CHAPTER 10 - The Raider Association.

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The Raider Association of Orange country is known to be the second strongest Raider association in the world along with having the highest number of Raiders.

It is the strongest force of Orange country unlike Red country, whose strongest force is the Destroyer Guild, which is the number one guild of the world, also famous for having the number one Raider of the world as the Guild master.

The Raider Association of Orange country is what maintains order in this country, as the strongest force it could deal with anyone in the country unless some of the high-ranking guilds were to combine their forces, which is basically impossible.

The main building of the Raider Association of each country is situated in the capital of the country which is located at the centre of their countries.

But there are branches of the Raider Association in every state of the country and the number of states in Orange country is 94. The number of states may sound like a lot but for countries that are so large that only seven of them are there on the whole surface of Gaia, it's pretty common.

Right now, Alex is standing in front of the building of the Raider Association of the state he was in along with two beautiful girls.

One of them was Alice, who was wearing the same loose red T-shirt and tight-fit pants along with black shoes, being reprimanded by the other who was her secretary and also a best friend.

She was a beautiful girl with light black hair, tied in a bun while two strings of her hair fell on both sides of her face. Due to her hair being tied in a bun, her beautiful face was free of any obstruction.

She had blue eyes and a thin, small cute nose along with bright pink kissable lips. Small in height which added charm to her petite look, with small breasts and a thin waist, if one were to say, then just looking at her would make anyone want to protect her.

She was beautiful, much more than any Raider of her calibre could be, her beauty was comparable to Alice who was one of the most beautiful girls in the country.

It's just that she didn't show her face in public more than needed, so, she wasn't that famous or else with her looks alone she could match Alice in popularity.

She wore a fitting black blazer and pants along with a light pink shirt inside, the shirt had the top button open showing the beauty mark on the lower part of the long and smooth neck adding more points to her beauty along with her petite look as she was half a foot shorter than Alice, who was 172cm.

She was scolding her best friend for how she wore casual clothes even when coming to the Raider Association while also stealing glances at Alex who was wearing a mask to hide his face.

When she heard from Alice that she had met someone who could easily defeat her as the guild head of a top guild in the country, she was sceptical.

Even the world's number one would be unable to defeat her if he did not attack her first, but her friend said that this person could do so, so she was understandably sceptical.

However, because Alice insisted that he was really powerful, she eventually opted to meet the individual first.

From what Alice had told her, that person would be joining their guild. So, she would test him when he entered the guild as even if she was Alice's secretary, she was still an A-rank Raider and her name is Ann white.
She was the one who informed Alice about the whereabouts of her brother, but she was shocked when she found out that instead of Alice's brother it was a strong Raider that stayed there.

As Alice's best friend, she accompanied her to the orphanage and saw Alice's brother. She tried to talk to him, but he never replied, so she stopped trying.

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