CHAPTER 4 - The First Quest.

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It was approximately noon when Alex received the quest and the quest was about someone he knew very well, or at least the previous 'he' knew her very well. When Alex still lived in the orphanage, he had a girl he had a large crush on. 

If we were to use the right word, then it would be that he was a simp for her, it was so bad that if she said that she loved him and asked him to die for her, then he might do just that. 

When he was in the orphanage, everyone treated him differently, some were scared, some were jealous, some hated him, some loved him, and many more. 

However, there was this one girl who never cared about anything and treated him like his own brother, whenever he was alone, she would come and sit by his side saying she would protect him from anyone even if he didn't need her help. 

She was also one of the reasons why he was never bullied at the orphanage as she became an S-rank Raider when the Gates appeared 5 years ago.

From his childhood till now, Alex never had a real friend, so when he found someone who treated him nicely, he somehow started liking her and slowly his feelings for her also started increasing. But there was a problem, he didn't know how to express his feelings since she was the first person he ever loved.

Five years ago, when the Gates appeared, the said girl awakened her power she turned out to have extreme power along with being an S-ranked Raider. 

That was the reason why when she opened her guild and became the guild master of a guild that is now one of the top-ranking guilds in Country Orange, she had very little time to visit the orphanage as she was very famous.

Then one day in her interview, the host asked her if she had someone she loved and she said yes. This made Alex somehow very nervous but then the host came out from the surprise and asked the girl and asked the name of the person, the girl said that his name was Alex.

When Alex heard her words, he was so happy that he felt like crying but that didn't last long since she introduced him as her little brother (He was a year younger than her). 

As realization dawned on him, he then understood that she never saw him as a man, she saw him as her brother, however, this didn't stop him as he still thought that he would confess to her when they met. 

But a little of his determination that was left also broke when the host of the show asked the girl for the type of man she would date.

The girl replied that she would want her man to be at least stronger than her so that he could help her when she was in trouble, he must not remain Passive in their relationship, and she said that it still depended on who the person was and if she liked him.

He understood then; that his dream of being with her would never come true so he moved out of the orphanage since he knew that he could never get stronger than her, he was also always on the Passive side in their talks and the question of whether she liked him or not, well she did like him but that was as a little brother, making his chances of succeeding go lower than before.

He moved out without telling anyone where he was going, thinking that she wouldn't be able to find him. He didn't want to stay here anymore as he knew that if he saw her smiling at him again and scolding him like he was her little brother, then he would do something horrible, something he shouldn't do.

He still loved her, he loved her more than anything he could ever love, but that was also the reason why he moved away since he didn't want to hurt her. 

When the previous Alex died, these memories were transferred to the new Alex along with his intense feeling of love for this girl. This might have been a problem if it was someone else, but Alex had a several times stronger mind so even if those feelings did affect him, he was not madly in love with that girl like he was in the memories. 

He liked this girl, though. So, he was a little surprised by the quest he received.


Quest objective: Tell Alice that Alex has died, and you are someone else who will be living in this body.

Reward: 20000 points.

Penalty: ---]

The name of the girl was Alice, she didn't have any last name since her name was given to her by the orphanage, not like him who was carrying his name like some kind of product information.

Looking at the Quest, he knew that it was a hard quest. Even though it would be easy if he just killed Alice after telling her about himself, he didn't want that. 

Even if the feeling of intense love from the last one was gone that just meant he didn't love her as the last one did, he still liked her and he also knew that she had very high potential since he could sense people's potential easily, though he didn't know why.

'Are all the quests like this?' He asked Sophia after he made up his mind that he would try not to kill her. He just wished that she didn't show tough reactions, however, he also knew that it was not possible since she did care for Alex.

[No, this is your first quest and that is why it's like that. Some quests give you a single task, some give you multiple tasks, some give you task/s along with a bonus task and some tasks might be simple tasks such as moving a single step. The rewards also vary according to the quests and this one has a high reward because it is a mental quest and also your first quest.]

'I see, so quests that are not related to physical fights or movements are more rewarding. Is that right?' Alex also understood the meaning but still asked.

[Yes.] Sophia replied simply, while she was also curious how he was going to solve this quest. Even if her relationship with Alex was not known till now, she was still someone who had been with him in all of his past lives and knew that in every life he had at least two to three women.

Alex knew that it was not Sophia who gave him the quest, neither did she have any control over the system. She was just a spirit that could help him like a receptionist at the shops. So, he didn't ask her many questions.

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