CHAPTER 32 - Quest again.

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[Surprise Quest: -

Quest objective 1: Fight and kill the Mid-bosses with your stats limited to A-rank.

Quest objective 2: Fight and kill the Boss of the gate with your stats limited to A-rank.

Reward: (A-rank) (Growth type) – Pyre of Adjudication. {Skill}

Penalty: --]

Alex looked at the quest and smiled. He had been eager to check how much his all-master could improve his fighting capabilities for a while, and now he finally got the chance.

He had been thinking of ways that could help him see the full capabilities of the All-master skill, his final conclusion was to lower his stats to the opponent's level or lower than theirs. So, when he saw this quest, just like Sophia said, he really took a liking to it.

There are many types of quests, some are called hidden, some are called choice, some are simply quests, and some others will be discovered later.

The Surprise Quest, however, will never have any penalty as they are considered a surprise and surprises could be rejected.

Still, if you reject the surprise quest, that would mean you are rejecting its reward as well, and believe it, you will regret rejecting the surprise quest since the rewards from the surprise quests are quite juicy.

Alex also looked at the reward and just with the name alone, he could somewhat guess what kind of skill it was.

"What happened?" Noticing Alex smiling at nothing Alice asked even though it was a nice view looking at Alex smiling.

"Oh, nothing. I just had a nice idea," Alex spoke and then lowered his stats.

"Huh?" X2.

Alice and Ann exclaimed in unison as they could feel Alex growing weak. The density of the mana his body emanated was decreasing, which could be easily felt in the surroundings.

"This way, you will be able to see more of my skills." Alex completed his line with a smile and looked at Alice and Ann's disbelieving looks.

"Why did you decrease your power?!" Alice exclaimed while Ann's body tensed, and she started looking around sharply.

"Hm? I just adjusted my stats to A-rank which would be somewhat similar to Ann's." Alex spoke in the same relaxed tone while checking his perception which had decreased to 70m, due to the mana being limited to A-rank.

"Are you serious right now?!" Alice asked in disbelief while Ann also looked a little unsure as to why Alex would do this. How could they not show such reactions?

They were in an A-ranked gate, where even S-rank Raiders stay on guard every time they enter. They didn't say anything before as they knew Alex was strong but how could they just sit back when they heard what Alex did?

This was not a game; this was a place where life and death were just a centimeter apart.
The next second however their disbelieving expression turned into shock as they saw tens of fire, water, wind, and earth arrows forming over their head.

Not just that, they could also feel that the arrows were being continuously pumped by mana as they grew denser and denser until they became solid.

"Did you think that lowering my stats would weaken me?" Then they heard Alex's voice which was filled with tease. Just as they heard his words they realized; they had been looking at Alex's one-dimensionally.

Did they think he was strong just because of his stats? Yes, they did.

Did they know anything about his skills? Other than the little Alice knew about him, nothing else.

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