2. Pancakes, broccoli and cowboys

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A/N: This oneshot has 4578 words.

A/N: This oneshot has 4578 words

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Kaden ⬆️ and Jesse ⬇️

Kaden ⬆️ and Jesse ⬇️

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Jesse's POV:

Fluttering my eyelids, I couldn't help but frown a bit when I stretched my hand across the bed and felt the cold ruffled sheets. I yawned and opened my slightly blurry eyes just to make sure that the bed was indeed empty and, lifting my head, I realised that the light was off in the bathroom, the door cracked open a bit on the other side of the bedroom.

"Kaden! Where are you, hun?", I yelled, my voice still hoarse from just waking up.

"What?", The scream came from the other side of the big apartment and I groaned when I realised that he probably wasn't coming back to bed. We've been together for almost two years and I was still getting used to the fact that he was an early riser, always up at the crack of dawn and tinkering with his wires and pieces of technology in his office. He worked at a security firm, in the tech department, and I could proudly say that my baby could make the best cameras, mics and all you could imagine a security firm would need.

After rolling in the sheets a bit from frustration, I yelled even louder than before. "I want cuddles, Kaden! Come 'ere!"

I heard a bang, a door creaking and after the pitter-patter of bare feet on the wooden floor covering the hallway, the bedroom door finally opened and the best sight ever greeted me. His dirty blonde hair was ruffled and the big, light blue t-shirt he was wearing was hanging down to his mid-thighs. His lips were still a bit plump, because he always ended up pouting in his sleep, so I guess he didn't get up much earlier than me.

"What do you want, big guy?", His blue eyes squinted playfully at me, alerting me of the fact that he knew exactly what I said even though he was all the way across the apartment.

I lifted the sheet that was around my waist, still hiding my nakedness and patted the space next to me. "Give me my morning cuddles, you know I get grumpy without them," My voice took that tone that he knew too well, and when his eyes fell on the floor I could feel my morning wood pulsing out a bit of pre-cum.

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