3. Causing jealousy

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Davey ⬆️ and Cameron ⬇️

Davey ⬆️ and Cameron ⬇️

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Cameron's POV:

Raising my head from my place at the bar, I tried looking for my group in the crowded club. The beat of the song made it even harder to concentrate, but when I finally saw a flash of blue hair I immediately made my way over there, carefully holding the tray full of drinks and elbowing people out of my way.

"Hey, man! Fucking move already!", I yelled at the disgustingly huge guy that had his back towards me. Apparently he didn't feel my elbow digging into his ribs.

He turned around and after a glare that was supposed to make him look scary, but only left me with the thought that he must be constipated, he moved out of the way.

Who doesn't fucking realise when they've taken too much steroids? I mean, he couldn't even get his arms straight at his sides, they were so swollen with fake muscles and bulging veins.

In my angry grumbling, I didn't realise that I already got to my friends, but I quickly placed myself in the middle of their circle and thrust the tray at them so they could all take their designated drinks. I finally stopped in front of Dave and offered him the last drink on the tray.

I was driving tonight and I really wasn't that much of a fan of drinking alcohol, so I drank my pepsi at the bar.

After giving the tray to someone that was passing by us, even though I didn't know them, I went next to Mark, who was on the opposite side of the circle from Dave and started dancing there so I could look at him while he was grinding on Mary, unbothered by this because I knew he was gay.

Tonight it was me, Mark, Dave, Mary and Logan, but the latter already found his flavor of the night. I didn't really see if it was a guy or a girl, though I'm pretty sure that he chose a guy tonight, based on the fact that he much preferred them over girls.

Me and Logan have known Dave and Mary for about a year and a half, when Mark introduced them to us. They're friends of his from college and me and Logan are currently working at a garage shop in the middle of the city.

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