9.1. Birds, wallets, mugs and the Beta

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A/N: This whole three-part short story has 24627 words, this first chapter has 8167 words.

Blake ⬆️ and the triplets ⬇️ (though Landon has green eyes, Mason has blue eyes and Damian's are brown)

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Blake ⬆️ and the triplets ⬇️ (though Landon has green eyes, Mason has blue eyes and Damian's are brown)

Blake ⬆️ and the triplets ⬇️ (though Landon has green eyes, Mason has blue eyes and Damian's are brown)

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Landon's POV:

"You should really stop doing that."

"Shut up, I'll do what I want. He's ours! Those bitches have no right over him!"

"Damian... He doesn't know. You can't just punish or kick out every woman he's looking at. You really have to stop being so impulsive."

He huffed angrily and continued stomping up the stairs towards our suite that was on the top floor of the pack house, clenching his fists at his sides and muttering curses under his breath, clearly disagreeing with my words.

I just came back from dragging him away from the scared she-wolf who was almost pissing herself in front of him when I got there. She didn't even do anything. Her only mistake was passing by Blake in the pack house, prompting his comment about how she was sort of pretty. Damian immediately started fuming and followed after her to threaten the woman against even looking at Blake. This was the third time this week.

I could feel my temples throbbing in pain. Having to keep your brother in line was hard work. Though it was even harder to refrain myself from behaving the same way he did.

Having our future Beta and childhood friend as our mate was complicated enough. Throw into the mix the fact that his 18th birthday was tomorrow and that he keeps going on and on about how he hopes that his mate is a calm, mellow she-wolf with big tits, and we've got ourselves into quite the pickle.

Ever since we turned 18 a year ago and realised that he was our mate, me and my brothers knew we couldn't tell him, but that didn't mean we didn't try to keep the females of our pack away from him, even if that meant he would turn right back around and start complaining to us about how he doesn't understand what's wrong with him.

I always felt incredibly guilty when he was in one of those moods. My heart broke every time I saw those beautiful, chocolate eyes of his turn vulnerable with frustration and I almost came clean multiple times when he started doubting himself, telling us that there is definitely something wrong with him if every single woman absolutely refuses to have sex with him.

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