5. Three isn't a crowd

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Zeldon ⬆️ , Logan ⬇️

Zeldon ⬆️ , Logan ⬇️

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and David ⬇️

Logan's POV:

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Logan's POV:

"Pups! Lunch time!"

The voice of one of the women responsible for taking care of the pups of the pack this afternoon could be heard even though the window and the door to my office are closed. My headache started pounding even more than before, effectively breaking my concentration from the file in front of me. All day I have been feeling restless, achy and even moodier than usual.

Being the Alpha of Silver Creek Pack is no easy business considering that it's the biggest pack from North America, with almost 1,000 members. We were spread across two towns with the main pack house built right in the middle of the woods that separated them, each town having their own smaller pack houses. The elders and unmated members were living in them while the mated pairs and their families settled in their own houses, looking for the privacy that was impossible to get while living with other two hundred people. The pups were babysat here while their parents were working, being taken care of by the elders and other members that volunteered for pup duty, mostly omegas due to their nurturing nature.

Because we were the biggest pack, others avoided settling down next to us, with the exception of one pack that was barely smaller than ours. The Crescent Moon pack had about 900 members and they recently claimed the land next to my pack as theirs. I haven't met the Alpha yet because I was on a business trip at the time they moved here, so Ross, my Beta, handled all the communication between my pack and theirs.

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