8. Hoping for a shit-load of panties

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Milo ⬆️ and Corey ⬇️

Milo ⬆️ and Corey ⬇️

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Milo's POV:

Ding Dong!

I scrambled from the sofa in the den, ran up the stairs, slipped and almost kissed the ground right when I stopped in front of the mirror next to the front door. I made sure that my tail was tucked in my sweatpants and that my ears were comfortably snug in my beanie and only then did I open the door.

"Delivery for Milo Jones," The bored middle aged man stated in a monotone voice, barely lifting his eyes from the paper in his hand.

"That's me."

I signed where he showed me and took the medium sized box from him, closing the door after thanking him.

I was so excited. My special delivery finally came, right on time. Corey was at work right now and he wouldn't be back until tonight at six. That gave me about three hours to get ready and to blow his mind.

My Corey saved me almost a year ago from my previous master and he's been slowly helping me put myself back together. Nekos are enslaved all over the world and, usually, there are strict rules about owning a Neko, caring for them and making sure that they are happy and healthy, even though we are used for household chores or sexual favors, but there will always be the bad people that just don't understand basic human decency.

My last master was like that. Fortunately, he was straight, so he didn't abuse me in that way, but he constantly kept me starved and beat me to a pulp if I delayed with even half a minute from the strict schedule he made for me or just if he was in a mood. I had to be up at 5am, clean the whole gigantic mansion daily, make all his meals and whatever else he made me do.

And right when I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, Corey showed up. He was a friend of a friend of my previous master and when he found me bruised, broken and disgustingly skinny, he immediately called NIP - Neko Institute of Protection. I was immediately placed in the closest Neko farm, but he came back two days after, offering me the chance of being his if I wanted to. I couldn't not accept. Even in my state of emotional distress, it was impossible not to notice the masterpiece that was Corey.

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