4. Lolly

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Ambrosius ⬆️ and Carter ⬇️ (this dude but younger lol)

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Ambrosius ⬆️ and Carter ⬇️ (this dude but younger lol)

Ambrosius ⬆️ and Carter ⬇️ (this dude but younger lol)

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Ambrosius' POV:

I rearranged my glasses on my face and checked my bag to see if I had everything. Notebooks - checked. Homework - checked. Lunch - checked.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and bounded down the stairs towards the front door. "Bye, mum! See you later! Love you!"

"Bye, honey! Good luck at school!", Her voice drifted out from the kitchen, accompanied by the low sounds of some 80's rock song from the radio.

I shut the door behind me, made sure I had my keys, pulled out my headphones and made my way towards my highschool. I stepped to the beat of Bobby Brown's "Every little step", bobbing my head and thinking about anything and nothing at all.

I can't wait to finish senior year already. I love school and I guess you could call me the biggest nerd ever, but I still wanted to move to a big city for college and, hopefully, find a delicious hunk to fulfill my every desire.

Yep, you heard that right. I'm gay and I just love me some hot, tall, dark and handsome hunk. With my looks, it's kind of hard to find this type of man that's also attracted to small, nerdy guys. Not that I was ugly, I was quite pretty with a head full of chocolate curls, green-hazel eyes and dark skin that I got from my dad's greek half of the family.

But, unfortunately, exactly who I wanted to find me pretty hasn't shown any interest yet. Carter Rowland was the school's bad boy. With black, buzzed hair all over his head and dark brown, almost black, eyes he was exactly my type. He was tall, almost 6'3, and he was all muscles. Not the bulky type, but with a lean body from all the swimming he was doing on the school's team. He hasn't lost a competition in all four years since I've known him and he was absolutely magnificent in the way he just commanded the water with his body. When he was swimming, it was like the water parted for him, even pushed him in the direction he was going in.

Four songs later, I found myself in front of the school's huge red doors. With a sigh, I put my headphones in my bag, walked to my locker to leave the bag there and made my way to my first class, the dreaded Calculus.

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