6. White fresh love

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A/N: This oneshot has 6594 words

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Seth ⬆️ and Kyle ⬇️

Seth ⬆️ and Kyle ⬇️

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Kyle's POV:

"Puff! Come 'ere, boy!"

The 110 pounds Rottweiler bounded through the thick snow that covered the forest around my house until he skidded to a stop right in front of me. I leaned down and gave him a strong pat on his chest, returning the big smile he gave me.

I didn't necessarily need him for protection, seeing as I was about 200 pounds of pure muscle. My 6'3 form intimidated almost any guy I may have hit on, but they never knew what to feel around me. They always told me that I was quite handsome in a rugged sort of way with my dirty blonde hair, the scruff that covered my jaw and my hazel eyes, but they never wanted more than a one-night stand. They somehow think that because I'm huge and kind of lack social skills, that I'm actually hiding an abusive personality. They just want to see what it's like being fucked by someone my size and then they skedaddle to be with someone they feel safer around, without even trying to get to know me beforehand.

"That's a good boy. Come on, it's getting late. You wanna eat?"

At my last words he immediately started jumping all over the place, disturbing the silence around us with his loud, excited barks. His big, brown eyes were jumping from me to the house, looking like he was getting ready to drag me inside so I could feed him. He ran to the door, but he immediately stopped when he heard my command to wait.

"You know we don't go inside dirty, Puff. Paws."

He sat on his rump and offered me one of his front paws that I wiped with a cloth, cleaning him from the cold sludge from outside. When I was finished with all of his legs, he immediately went to his bowls in the kitchen and stopped next to them, frantically wagging his tail and wiggling his big body around from excitement. I filled his bowl to the brim with his dog food and took out a big slab of steak from last night.

I didn't use any spices for his piece. I knew from one unfortunate experience that dogs and spices don't mix well. Especially big dogs that are capable of taking huge dumps. Never in my life have I scrubbed my floors that hard after one dinner where I gave him my last chicken breast that was doused in spices.

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