9.2. Birds, wallets, mugs and the Beta

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A/N: This is how I imagined the willow tree ⬆️, though without the water or the flamingos lol

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A/N: This is how I imagined the willow tree ⬆️, though without the water or the flamingos lol. (6701 words)

Landon's POV:

*Two months later

"Oh my god, I really want to fuck him."

"We both know you mean the opposite, you big baby bottom cumslut."

"Do you want bird guts in your bed tonight, fucker?"

"Damian, Mason."

They snapped their mouths shut at my warning and turned their heads to look out the window again, watching the yard where the warriors were training. Right in the middle of them, Blake was sparring with our Head Warrior, shirtless and sweaty under the glaring sun.

Was Damian doing what he was supposed to be doing, meaning organizing the pack's budget for the next month's necessities? No, he wasn't.

Was Mason doing what he was supposed to be doing, meaning organizing the patrol schedule and updating security protocols? No, he wasn't.

Was I doing what I was supposed to be doing, meaning responding to pack members' complaints and other packs' messages?




No, I wasn't. But at least I was trying.

Instead, the idiots were glued to our office window, practically drooling against the glass and watching Blake like the creepers they were, while I was desperately trying to make them return to their duties.

"If I asked him, do you think he would wear a peacock feather tied to his neck while he fucks me?"

I slapped my forehead and dragged my palm down my face at Mason's words, digging deep in that endless patience of mine to try and not slap them both for not being responsible.

"Damian, if you won't do your job, you're gonna get thirty spanks. Mason, if you won't do your job, you're not gonna get any spanks for the next week."

"Oh, no! I'll do my job, I promise," he gasped dramatically and stopped next to my chair, bending over the desk next to me and wiggling his ass in the air. "Give me two as an incentive, please."

I rolled my eyes, but slapped his juicy ass two times hard enough for my hand to tingle and I adjusted my semi in my pants when he moaned and arched his back.

"Fuck, yeah. Thanks, bro."

I wrinkled my nose. "Do you really have to call me that right after I slapped your ass?"

He just grinned in response and plopped on his chair, legs dangling over the armrest with his tablet in his lap.

I turned with my eyebrow raised when Damian still lingered near the window, taking impossibly small and slow steps towards me while his eyes were still on Blake.

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