9.3. Birds, wallets, mugs and the Beta

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A/N: Honestly I tried writing this last scene from Blake's POV, but it just wouldn't flow. I got like three paragraphs in and then switched back to Lan-daddy's POV lol (9759 words).

Landon's POV:

"So, what did you want to say to us?"

By now, Blake had zipped up his pants, but left his dress shirt unbuttoned. Mason and Damian left their shirts off and I discarded mine too. We were sprawled out over the thick blanket and comfortable pillows with a glass of wine each, though I was getting kind of curious to see what was in that small picnic basket that still remained untouched.

After recovering from his orgasm, Blake poured us each a glass of wine and he said he wanted us to enjoy our date a bit more before he started talking about those important things. It has been almost an hour and a half by now, where we lazed around, cuddled a bit and talked about anything and everything with the soothing, chill jazz still playing in the background.

Mason had taken his plushie out of his box and settled on his back, his head on my thigh and hugging the cute toucan to his chest with his eyes closed, listening to us talk and occasionally adding some of his weird ass comments.

I was on my back and leaning on my elbows, drinking my wine from my beautiful mug because I was way too in love with it already.

Damian was on his stomach with his head on a pillow near Blake's knees, but he switched positions to sit on his ass next to me when he heard my question.

Blake was on his side with his head propped up on his hand, but he raised up too, deeply inhaling and preparing to answer me.

"Well--", He was interrupted.

"I wanted to say that, while I might be scorned and shunned by the world, I would still like to confess my love for bird furries. They are my heroes and--"

"Mason! Seriously, what the hell? Is your brain upside down inside your skull? Or did your precious birds pecked at it until it disappeared completely and now there's just a hollow, sad and empty cave up there?"

"Stop being mean to me, dum-dum. I got my brain and at least this brain isn't afraid to admit that he loves cock in his ass."

"I'm not afraid, you birder bitch."

"Yeah? Then say you love cock in your ass. Say how much you love being fucked."

Me and Blake shared desperate looks, knowing that there's nothing we could do to stop them. They spent way too much time being nice to each other already. They have to let some of that steam out and so, the both of us shut up and watched them as they quarrelled back and forth with idiotic insults.

"I'm gonna say that the reason your birds love you so much is because your IQ is two times smaller than theirs, so they feel incredibly smart around you."

"Oh, you leather licker. I bet that when me and Lan-daddy aren't around, you're stuffing your cock into those wallets you're so obsessed with."

I scowled. "It's 'Landon'. And keep me out of this."

Mason grinned and closed his eyes again when Damian turned to me with a red face and a clenched fist, his other hand pointing at Mason angrily. "Just make this idiot shut up already. He's so dumb he actually thinks that Tweety boxers are an appropriate choice for a date."

"At least I wasn't considering using a Christmas wallet in fucking June, you big baby bottom cumslut."

Damian growled and threw his hands in the air, cheeks reddening even more and eyes blazing with scorching anger. "Stop calling me that, you thundercunt twitcher!"

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