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July 2031

Phoebe p.o.v

It's summer one of my favorite season I just graduate last month & now I am going to college I just got into NYU I was so happy when I got the letter. In the end of August ill be going to New York with my brother Teddy our dad told us right before Teddy went to college that he has apartment in New York so when Teddy graduate he can go to New York & use the apartment & now he is and ill be moving with him but it is going to be hard for mom & dad because their kids are not going to be in the house just them but they will be happy & they can do there 'FUN' stuff together. me & Isabella are best friends now it's weird first she bulled me & now she is my best friend she has to move to New York because her dad live there & she just got into Juilliard so ill be seeing her in New York. now I am getting ready for a summer ball I am wearing a purple & light blue dress with a gold & blue mask & my hair is curled I am ready to go & I walk out of my room.

At the summer ball everyone is having so much fun I was watching mom & dad dancing together & as I was watching them across from the dance floor I see a boy looking at me he had blonde hair & he is wearing a black suit & a black mask I look at him & our eyes staring at each other eyes I could not see what color is his eyes he is too far away after a moment everyone start to clap at the music men I turn & clap but when I turn back he was gone did I image it I shake my head & force on the ball.

that night I need some fresh air so I walk to the backyard & I go to the boathouse as I go in I go to the railing I heard footsteps behind me and I jumped and turned around but didn't see anyone

Phoebe: it must have been the wind

I said

???: it wasn't

I jumps & I see that boy that I saw

Phoebe: you frightened me

I said he chuckles

???: I do that a lot don't I?

he said

Phoebe: im afraid so

I said

???: my apologies

he said

Phoebe: so what are you doing here

I ask

???: I saw a beautiful girl in the boathouse & I thought she need some company

he said I blushes

Phoebe: I should go. it was pleasure to meet you

I said & I start to walk away then

???: what is your name?

he ask I turn my head & I smile

Phoebe: I won't say

I said

???: and why not?

he ask

Phoebe: because when you go home you will think about the beautiful girl you met in the boathouse

I said he smiled

???: I could always read search about you

he said

Phoebe: you wouldn't do that

I said

???: how do you know what I would and wouldn't do?

he ask

Phoebe: you are a good boy you wouldn't use your power for that

I said & he smiled

???: I hope to see you again miss

he said I smiled

Phoebe: and I you

I said and I walk away & I think about that boy will I ever see him again probably not will see.....

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