Chapter 20 ~final~

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1 month later I am starting to get better I try to not to think about him & me, Teddy, Beca, Isabella & Kevin want back to Seattle because summer is here so that means school is out for the summer & now I am at the summer ball I am in the boathouse siting on the couch & try not to think about him

???: there you are

someone said I turn my head & I see dad I smiled

Christian: you are support to get ready to perform

dad said & he sit down next to me

 Phoebe: sorry dad I am just thinking

I said

Christian: I know how you feel when me & your mother broke up I was so heart broken I could not work but then 5 days later we were back together

dad said

Phoebe: really

I said

Christian: ya

dad said I smiled

Christian: so I guess you are fifty shades of fucked up

he said I look at him

Phoebe: what do you mean?

I ask & he look at me like 'I know' look & I know what he means

Phoebe: you knew

I said & he laugh

Phoebe: how?

I ask

Christian: after you & David finish dancing I finger out that he is a Dominant

he said

Phoebe: so you are not mad at me?

I ask

Christian: will I am a little sad that you are like me but it's your life

he said

Phoebe: dad remember what I said you are the best dad that I could ever ask for

I said & I give him a hug & he hug back

Christian: now do you have something to do

he said I nod

Phoebe: I better get on stage

I said

Christian: will let go

he said & I go to the stage 

(play the video blonde hair girl is Phoebe, short hair girl is Isabella, black hair girl is Beca, the guy on the microphone is Teddy & that is what they are wearing)

that is it hope you guys enjoy this story the next 4 book is called Shades Of Me ill let you know when it's up thank you

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