Chapter 1

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September 2031

(watch the video pretend that they are in New York and they dance at the NYU
Purple girl is Phoebe

blue girl is Isabella

the white guy is Kevin

the brown guy is Teddy/Theodore)

after we finish Isabella said goodbye to us & she goes to school & me & Teddy went to school

Teddy: welcome to NYU sis

Teddy said I smiled & he take me to my locker

Teddy: are you nerviest

Teddy ask

Phoebe: yes it's a new city, new school

I said

Teddy: I know how you feel when I came to this school I was nerviest

Teddy said I smiled then I herd the bell ring

Teddy: so do you know where your first class is?

Teddy ask

Phoebe: yes

I said

Teddy: great ill see you at lunch

Teddy said & he goes off I was walking to my class I open my books while I was walking but then I slip on the wet floor I was about to fell on my back then I felt someone catch me & the person catch my books

Phoebe: thank you

I said I don't look up

???: your welcome

the person said I look up & I see a brown eyes & blonde hair & he help me stand

Phoebe: umm I should watch were im walking

I said nervously & he smiled

???: they should also put a singe about that

the person said I laugh

Phoebe: um im Phoebe

I said raise my hand & he shake it

???: David-David White

he said & we shake

Phoebe: is nice to meet you

I said

David: is nice to meet you too

he said I smiled

David: so what is your first class?

he ask

Phoebe: will I have English class

I said

David: oh I have that class ill take you

he said I nod & we start to walk

David: so tell me about yourself

he ask

Phoebe: will this is my first year in college I live with my brother I use to be a ice skater but then I quit

I said

David: why did you quit?

he ask

Phoebe: I got tired of ice skating so I quit

I said

David: oh I see will for me this is my 2 year in college I live with my sister & I was born in Seattle

he said

Phoebe: I was born in Seattle too

I said and he smiled

David: what high school you go to?

he ask

Phoebe: Seattle Public School

I said

David: oh I go to east high

he said

Phoebe: oh I guess we miss each other

I said

David: will here we are English

he said

Phoebe: thank

I said & we go in the class. After school Isabella ask me if we can do coffee I said sure & I meet her outside of my apartment

Isabella: how was your first day?

she ask

Phoebe: it was great you

I ask

Isabella: same

she said & we tart to walk to 'Starbucks' we get our coffee & we chat

Phoebe: so how is your dad

I ask

Isabella: he is fine he is f**king pissed about what happened

she said I nod

Phoebe: do you miss her?

I ask she sake her head

Isabella: hell no I hate her of what she has done to your father and me

she said I look at her

Phoebe: what do you mean to you

I ask she stand silent

Phoebe: oh Isabella

I said

Isabella: she hit hurt me whatever I did something wrong she hurt me

she said I feel bad for her

Phoebe: will thank god she is in jail

I said & she laugh

Isabella: ya

she said & we drink our coffee then she loot at me

Isabella: what wrong

she ask me I stand silent

Isabella: oh Phoebe it been 2 month since you see that boy you told me about

she said

Phoebe: I know is just I can't stop thinking about him I only told you about this not my family, not even my brother you have not told anyone did you

I ask

Isabella: no of course not

she said I smiled

Phoebe: is just I can't stop thinking about him his hair, his eyes & his mask do you think ill ever see him again?

I ask

Isabella: I think you will

she said

Phoebe: will see

I said & drink my coffee.   

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