Chapter 11

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I am back in New York & I am at David house & I am sitting on the couch & I put my hands on my heads & I told David that me & Teddy had a fight & David is sitting down next to me rubbing his hands on my back

David: maybe he was in a bad mood

he said I shake my head

Phoebe: I don't know he never yell at me before

I said & he put his hand on my chin & he lift up my head to him

David: it will be already

he said & he kiss my lips & he deep the kiss & he lay me down on the couch & he push my hands over my head

David: I want to take you to the playroom

he said

Phoebe: but I have not sign the contract

I said

David: forget the paper work

he said & I sigh

Phoebe: okay

I said he get up & he pull me up & we go to the playroom


He opens the door to his playroom, standing back for me to walk through, and I am once more in the Grey Room.

It's the same, the smell of leather, citrus, polish and dark wood, all very sensual. My blood is running heated and scared through my system – adrenaline mixed with lust and longing. It's a heady, potent cocktail.

David's stance has changed completely, subtly altered, harder and meaner. He gazes down at me and his eyes are heated, lustful... hypnotic.

David: When you're in here, you are completely mine

he breathes, each word slow and measured.

David: To do with as I see fit. Do you understand?

His gaze is so intense. I nod, my mouth dry, my heart thumping for a way out of my chest.

David: Take your shoes off

he orders softly.

I swallow, and rather clumsily, I take them off. He bends and picks them up and deposits them beside the door.

David: Good. Don't hesitate when I ask you to do something. Now I'm going to peel you out of this dress. Something I've wanted to do for a few days if I recall. I want you to be comfortable with your body, Phoebe. You have a beautiful body, and I like to look at it. It is a joy to behold. In fact, I could gaze at you all day, and I want you unembarrassed and unashamed of your nakedness. Do you understand?

Phoebe: yes

David: yes what?

He leans over me, glaring.

Phoebe: Yes, Sir

David: do you mean that?

he snaps.

Phoebe: Yes, Sir

David: Good. Lift your arms up over your head

I do as instructed, and he reaches down and grabs the hem. Slowly, he pulls my dress up over my thighs, my hips, my belly, my breasts, my shoulders, and over my head. He stands back to examine me and absentmindedly folds my dress, not taking his eyes off me. He places it on the large chest beside the door. Reaching up, he pulls at my chin, his touch searing me.

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