Chapter 14

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2 days later I have not talk to Teddy I am still mad at him & dad is back at Seattle Teddy try to talk to me but I just ignore him I am not ready to talk to him & I am in the kitchen doing the dishes & I am thinking about all the things those pass 3 years lossing my Virginia, David Dominant, back on ice skating, finding out about dad, Teddy hurting me, Bonnie my mind is going insane then all of suddenly I throw the glass in the sink & it shadderd & some of the glass hit my hand & I neeld to the ground & I start to cry I remember of what Isabella said 'listen to your heart' I really love David but I don't want to be like my parents but I don't want to tell David that & I really don't want to tell my parents about David dad would kill me if Teddy tells mom and dad about David I will kill him I just don't know what to do im just confuse I get up from the floor & I pick up the broken glass & I throw it in the trash & I go to do my homework. after I finish my homework my phone rings I grab it & answer it

[hello] - Phoebe

[hi sweaty] - mom

[hi mom] - Phoebe

[how are you] - mom

[good] - Phoebe

[good the reason I am calling is because I have news] - mom

[okay was up] - Phoebe

[I know you are retire from slating but I just got a call from 'Star On Ice' & they want you to be performer one of the skater can't make it so they want you] - mom

[(sigh) ill do it when?] - Phoebe

[in 2 weeks] - mom

[ok ill talk to you later] - Phoebe

[ok bye hon] - mom

[bye mom] - Phoebe

I hung up look like I am back on skating

sorry it's short I run out ideas

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