Chapter 8

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It been a week since the sex & I been thinking lightly every since I lost my Virginia I feel different like I feel lost & I been thinking about me & David can I really do this I don't want to end up like my mom and dad I am in my room re-read the contract David is on a school trip for a week my phone vibrates & it's a text from Isabella

'Hey I am bored do you want to go shopping with me?' - Isabella

I reply

'Sure' - Phoebe

'I'll pick you up in 5 minutes' - Isabella
'Okay see you then' - Phoebe

Why did I agree to go shopping I hate shopping I am in Isabella car & she is driving

Phoebe: so how are you been?

I ask

Isabella: good I been super buzy with school and all

She said

Phoebe: same here

I said

After our shopping we are drinking our coffee & I just been thinking

Isabella: ok what the heck is wrong with you, you look like depression & sad about something please tell me what's wrong

She said

Should I tell her what the heck I'll tell her I took a deep breath

Phoebe: ok um remember I told you that me and David are dating

I said she nod

Phoebe: will 2 weeks ago he ask me to come over to his house & we....we did it

I said Isabella face is in shock

Isabella: shut the fuck up

She shout & I cover her mouth

Phoebe: don't scream so loud people will herd you

I said & I uncover her mouth

Isabella: sorry I am just in shock

She said I nod

Phoebe: but now I feel different I mean I been thinking about me & David & I don't know if I can be with him the way he need me to

I said then a few minutes later her face is still in shock & her eyes were big & she cover her mouth

Isabella: is he a Dominant!

She whisper Oh My God

Phoebe: what!

I said & I look down at my fingers

Isabella: I know you are lying you are looking down at your fingers

She said & I sigh

Isabella: are you his Submissive!?

She ask

Phoebe: no I have not sign the paper please don't tell anyone not even my dad please

I ask

Isabella: ok I won't tell anyone

She said

Phoebe: thank you

I said she nod & I drink my coffee.

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