Chapter 3

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it been a week since the last time I seen David it bother me a little bit but I just focus on school I was in my room doing my homework then Teddy walk in

Teddy: hey do you want to go out to a club? 

he ask I look at him

Phoebe: Teddy I don't do clubs

I said

Phoebe: besides I have to go to the library

I said I got up and grab my bag

Phoebe: ill be home at 10

I said & he nod & I am out the door. at 9:30pm I decide to go home early I walk out and I start to walk home as I walking home I herd these two guys behind me

Random guy1: yo girl you are fine

he said I don't respond I just keep on walking

Random guy2: girl do you want to come over & have some fun

he said again I don't respond then I start to run & they run after me I turn to my right then it was a dead end I turn around & I see two guys right in font of me they walk closer to me

Random guy1: oh come on babe just one kiss

he said I close my eyes then

???: I think she said stop

someone said I open my eyes & it's David the two guys turn around

Random guy2: oh really what are you going to do about it

he said

David: this

he said & he punch him & the other guy attack him I don't know what happened nect thing I know is I pass out.

SORRY IT'S SORT what do you guys think of the story so far?  


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