Chapter 4 part 1

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I woke up by a bright light I look to my right & I realist that I am not at home I am at someone home I sit up and I look to my left & I see a glass of water & 2 aspirin & a note said "Drink me & Eat me" I grab the aspirin I put it in my month & I drink the water then I herd a door open I look up & I see David with a tray with breakfast

David: good morning Phoebe

he said as he close the door

David: how are you feeling?

he ask

Phoebe: better I guess

I said and I put the glass of water down

Phoebe: did you put me to bed

I ask he nod

Phoebe: you undress me

I ask

David: I really didn't have that much choose

he said

Phoebe: where did you sleep?

I ask he point to the other side of the bed

Phoebe: oh my god we didn't - we didn't

I ask

David: no we didn't

he said oh thank god

Phoebe: so we just slept then

I ask he nod & he put a plant of toes on the bed

David: you need to eat

he said

David: I put you some clothes for you

he said

Phoebe: thank you but you really didn't have to do that

I said

David: yes I did

he said

David: you should not be alone at night there are bad people out there

he said

Phoebe: I know

I said then he take his shirt off & OH MY GOD he is so hot

David: if you were mine you would not be able sit down for a week

he said

Phoebe: what?

I ask and he took a bit off of a toes

David: im going to take a shower

he said and he walk into the bathroom

Phoebe: why am I here David?

I ask & he pop his head out

David: you're here because I'm incapable of leaving you alone

he said I look at him

Phoebe: then don't

I said & he sigh

David: I own you an apology

he said and he walk out and he sit on the bed

Phoebe: for what?

I ask

David: for letting you believe that I...

he stop for a min

David: listen to me. I don't do romance my tastes are very singular you wouldn't understand

he said I stand silent for a min then I look at him

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