Chapter 5

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me, David, Teddy, Isabella & Beca went back to New York Teddy and Beca are still dating & me & David I don't know if we are dating or we are just friends but today David ask me to come over after school & so I did I came over & I see David plowing a glass of water I put my bag down & I walk to the dinning room & I see a paper on the table I sit down

Phoebe: what's this?

I ask David sit down

David: it's a non-disclosure agreement

he said I look at him

David: it means that you cannot discuss anything about us with anyone i'm afraid my lawyer insists on it

he said

Phoebe: I'd never talk to anyone about us anyway

I said & I sign the paper

Phoebe: are you gonna make love to me now?

I ask

David: two thing first I don't make love I fuck hard

he said

Phoebe: and the second thing?

I ask he stand up & he pull out his hand out

David: come

he said I take his hand & he lead me upstarts we walk down the hallway & we stop at a door

David: it's just beyond this door

he said

Phoebe: what is?

I ask

David: my playroom

he said

Phoebe: like your Wii & stuff?

I ask he shake his head & he unlocked the door & he open the door the room is dark & he turn on the lights &

Phoebe: Oh My God!

I said & all the walls are grey & it's the same room as my dads playroom I walk inside & David close the door & he walk up to me I look at him

Phoebe: are you a Dominant

I said & he nod & he look at me

David: what is wrong?

he ask

Phoebe: I am going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone not even your friends

I said

David: ok

he said I took a deep breath

Phoebe: my dad is just like you my dad is a Dominant & my mom is a Submissive & I know everything about this & the contract

I said & I think he is in shock

David: so have you done this before?!

he ask

Phoebe: no good god no

I said

David: oh ok

he said & we walk out the playroom & we walk downstairs & we sit on the steps

Phoebe: what if I don't want anything to do with that?

I ask

David: then I understand completely

he said

Phoebe: but then we wouldn't have any sort of relationship at all?

I ask

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