Chapter 12

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2 days later I am at Starbucks getting my coffee before school then I herd someone shouting my name I turn my head & I see Isabella running up to me out of breath

Phoebe: hey was up?

I ask

Isabella: you need to come with me

she said

Phoebe: why? what's wrong?

I ask

Isabella: your brother is fighting David

she said

Phoebe: WHAT!

I said

Isabella: yes come on

she said I grab my coffee & we run to where Teddy & David are.

when we got to the school outside there are people circle around Teddy & David. David is on the ground & Teddy is on top of David & he is pushing him in the face I run up to them & I push Teddy off of David

Phoebe: Teddy stop!

I shout at Teddy & I get in front of him & I put my hand on his chest

Phoebe: stop!

I shout then out of no where Teddy push me in the nose & I fell to the ground & I hit my head & I herd shouting, screaming & it's blurry then everything went black

sorry it's short

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