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Y_unhee's story

Y_unhee's story

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Ji:Yun did you land yet?

Yh I'm eating rn
Sends 1 attachment
Bro why is airport food so expensive

Dodo:She's back everybody make way for the queen!

Baekjail: I've been DYING without you in my lectures😓

Ji: what about me?!???

Baekjail:like I said DYING.

Dude I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm not starting the upcoming semester


Baekjail:YEAH WHY

Dodo:maybe she just wants to do modelling full time😏

No not because of the modelling.
I just don't want school right now
I promised I'll help my uncle's shop yk
Need to show him what a bachelor in marketing and business can do😛
Maybe the semester after that but
Who knows

Ji: you don't have to feel rushed
to come back to school if you aren't ready

if this isn't what you want rn then don't do it

Dodo:so no modelling at all?!?!?

Maybe every now and then
But number one priority is to help my uncle's shop.

Dodo :Isn't it that vinyl store?

Baekjail:yes and her uncle is ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💔🩵❤️🩶❤️‍🩹💜💙💚💚🖤🩵🧡💜❣️🖤❤️❤️🩶❤️‍🔥💕💖💘💓💗💞💞🩶💙🤍🤎❤️‍🔥🩵

Ji:dohyuck you should see the store it's so cute

Thanks to me?!
Nah but my uncle is genuinely the best

Dodo:why am I the only one who hasn't seen it?

Baekjail: because you were still in high school when it opened

Bro hyuck was literally the cutest in high school

Like where did the baby go?!??

Dodo:shut up

Ji:did you find a place or are you staying at your brothers?

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