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Swore I'd seen you before
Watched you walk through the door
Something in your eye

Swore I'd seen you beforeWatched you walk through the doorSomething in your eye

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Y_unhee posted a story

"I'm glad you're back Yunhee

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"I'm glad you're back Yunhee."
Dohyuck said as he swung an arm around her shoulder, walking to their next shoot.
"Always here for you my guy."

"Where is the shoot though?."
"A studio at my company."
Yunhee looked at him with confusion written on her face. "Company? what do you- YOU GOT SCOUTED?!"

Feeling happy for her friend Yunhee hugged him."have you told anyone?" He nodded his head side to side. "no, not yet. You're actually the first.

"Dude this is huge!!!"
Dohyuck laughed at the girls excitement knowing she only wanted the best for everyone she held dear to her heart.

"So what is this so called company?"
She poked his side with a teasing grin on her face. "You know it's pretty close to the vinyl shop, maybe I can finally visit."

"That's crazy Donghee's workplace is pretty close too." She said as they neared his car
"Yeah because it's the same place, SM right?" Yunhee looked up at him in surprise.
"I thought that place was like only for Kpop idols."

"Nah they have model and actors too."
Nodding at the new understanding she has gotten about SM.
"But like why am I going then??"
"Because they needed a female model. And I may or may not have said I know someone."

She rolled her eyes, at what he said. "You know this isn't serious for me, right?" She looked at him as they both got into the car and drove off.
"I know but I hope this changes your mind."

Y_unhee posted a story

Y_unhee posted a story

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Vinyls ♪ Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now