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Entering his room Yunhee looks around. "Cool room, love the cas vinyls."
"Thanks really tried to make it mine, and really like their music, would love to see them live one day."

"Yeah honestly same images hearing affection live, literal dream." Jaehyun smiled looking at her reaction and humming in agreement.  As the both of them move over to the vinyl player, Yunhee steps closer inspecting what the problem could be.

"Do you have any idea what the problem could be?" She said opening the whole vinyl player up to see the different mechanisms. "I don't know it suddenly happened like a hour ago."
As Yunhee dug deeper into trying to see what when wrong, she saw it. Or rather it saw her.

Pulling it out, holding a giggle back. she held it up to his view. "Is this for self love or.....?" Looking at it Realising what she was holding Jaehyun's eyes widened quickly taking and hiding it from her. "It's not what it looks like."

"That you have printed and laminated picture of yourself?"
"That is what it is just hear me out."
Smiling holding a laugh back she nodded. "I'm all ears." Feeling hesitant how to answer her, he just blurted out the first thing on his mind. "They are from an album, my groups."

Yunhee looked at him with of no surprise look, in full confidence that he was lying. "Sure of course that's why you have pocket size photos of yourself."
"For god sake I'm not lying."

Yunhee couldn't stop her laughter not believing him in anyway. "To believe I'm in the present of a celebrity is a true honour." Jaehyun couldn't hold back his own laughter at her joke. "Fine if don't believe, just search my name and and I'll assure you, you'll be pleasantly surprised."

"Of course your majesty, but I do believe it's time for me to take a leave, Now that the job is done." Yunhee stood up Turing to leave. Jaehyun didn't want her to leave so early, not without getting her number. "Yunhee was it?" She turned her back as he came closer not knowing what to say.

"What do I do if this happens again? Can I contact you?" Yunhee smiled at him as she read his intentions as book. "So you want my number?" Jaehyun stood there not expecting her to be so direct. "What no- yes but if there is a problem you know? The vinyl player."

"I thought giving out your number wasn't your thing, was it?" Jaehyun soon caught on to what she implied. Hitting himself mentally for that awkward encounter. "That was before I thought you were a- never mind. I'm sorry if I came off rude and you have the right to deny me."

"I never said no though?." Yunhee handed over her phone, implying him to enter his number, And he did. "I'll get going now, feel free to message me. Of course only about another broken vinyl player." And with that she left swiftly, leaving an ever so more interested Jaehyun.

Y_unhee posted a story

Y_unhee posted a story

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Vinyls ♪ Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now