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Y_unhee posted a story

The sound of glass clinging could be heard, as they drowned down their fourth shot of the night

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The sound of glass clinging could be heard, as they drowned down their fourth shot of the night. The group of friends taking amongst themselves enjoying spending time together after so long.

"You actually have to like try it before judging."
I'll actually die before I try Nutella and butter together."
Yunhee listen as her friends laughing at  them for bickering. leaning her head on the edge of the couch closing her eyes, to relax a bit.

Tearing her eyes away from her friends as Yunhee felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, so she looked at to see what it was, but more like who it was.


Hi just asking when's you shift? Low key miss working with you 🥲

I'm working open to close tomorrow wbu?

Can't wait to work with you Yunhee ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

You're too sweet may 😊

As Yunhee closed the messages she when through her contacts to see a name that was added onto the list recently. Feeling the courage from the alcohol she decided to message him.

Mister royalty 🤴

How are you doing your majesty


I'm sorry for not introducing myself my king
I am thus this kingdoms only vinyl engineer
With 35 years of experience I am well aware of my skills


The honour of the one and only prince calling my name
I am truly thankful 🙏

Is this role play

No your majesty I'm try to be polite as possible
Thank you for let me in your presence

Yunhee what is this

Sorry just in a goofy mood 🤪
And a little drunk

Are you alone?

One attachment sent
Naw I'm with my bredren

Why are you drinking on a Monday?

Why are you judging?

I never said I was

Then what's with the sass

I am truly sorry princess please accept my apologies for my lack of manners

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