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******: hi! This is Im May
I heard from mr. Chun that you're his niece and you're going start working at the vinyl shop
So I just wanted to introduce myself 😊

Hi nice to meet you I'm Yunhee and yeah I'm going to start working in the store again
but not like only at the register
More like over all so feel free to ask me anything 🙃

May:And just wanted to say I'm a part timer, so I'm only there Monday and Friday nights
Can't wait to work with you!!!

Can't wait to work with you too!

Y_unhee's story

Entering the place she missed so much by the back door, Yunhee greeted the barista that stood in front of her as he had just arrived too

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Entering the place she missed so much by the back door, Yunhee greeted the barista that stood in front of her as he had just arrived too. Yunhee hurried to put her things away so she could open up the store, and get everything ready.

Walking out of the "STAFF ONLY" door she only took a notepad and pen as she went out to the shop, Scanning the area looking at things that needed to be changed or upgraded, since her last visit.

Sooner than she realised it was already 16:45 and she really needed to open the store up as she only had 15 minutes before opening.

Glancing at the door from the register looking at the sky as night came. Yunhee looked at the clock


Wishing time would pass by faster she slumped down on the counter. But just as her head made contact with the with the newly oiled wood. the bell that indicates a customer arrived, rang.

Standing up immediately from the shock of the bell, Yunhee hit her head on the lamp that hang from the ceiling illuminating the counter.
"What the" was the only she muttered in English, as she rubbed the spot that made contact with the lamp.

She looked up made eye contact with the customer who witness the scene.
"Why does he have to be cute?"
Yunhee could only curse at herself from utter embarrassment as she said.

"if you have questions about anything don't be scared to ask."
He nodded with a small yes and looked around.


Baekjail:You know this happens all the time
Getting approached by girls and all that
This is the struggle of being hot 😇

Dodo: you literally dropped your wallet

Ji:she should have stole it

Dodo:he's literally broke

I  just embarrassed myself inform of a customer

but like what happened

Baekjail:there is no way you already embarrassed yourself
But then again when I met you in high school you literally fell down a flight of stairs

Ji: I remember seeing the ambulance coming
Everyone thought someone had died


Dodo:just say what happened

I laid my head on the counter and that
shitty bell rang
So I stood up immediately hit my head on a lamp
And the guy just looked at me like 🙂

Ji:oh poor baby

Baekjail: why the hell was you head even on the counter?

All I could say was
if you have questions about anything don't be scared to ask

Dodo: shit I should have been there
Wait do it again and I'll be omw

You're not helping.

Hearing someone approaching the counter, Yunhee put her phone away looking at him face to face. "How does one just look like this?" He finally placed his item and I scan it, following and service protocol I ask
"Do you need anything else?"

"Actually yes, the elder man working here last time told me I could get my scratched vinyls corrected."
By old man Yunhee knew he was referring to her uncle.

"Yeah that's right, can I see the vinyl?"
He nodded "sure" and pulled a vinyl up from his backpack, as he handed it to her and she recognised what band it was, cas.

"You seem to have great taste" I smile at him giving him the customer service smile that I have done all day

"I'll make sure to get this done by tomorrow, feel free to drop by during opening hours. Now is there anything else you need?"

"No that will be all."
Then your total will be 40.000 won."
He pays and swiftly puts the new vinyl in his back Turing to leave.

"Please come again!" He turns at Yunhee's sudden exclamation, but all he's met with is a gentle smile and a wave as he walks out the door. "Did she recognise me?"

Thinking about small sweet chapters like this one, what do you guys think???

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Thinking about small sweet chapters like this one, what do you guys think???

Vinyls ♪ Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now