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NCT 127 ❤️‍🔥

Jungwoo: Jaehyun got beat up by a girl

Mark: yooo really

Haechan: waste of height

Yuta: no way

Jungwoo is lying
I did not get hit by a girl

Jungwoo: No your right she put him in a headlock

It was a friend
She did it as a joke

Taeil: what is with everyone getting a girlfriend all of a sudden
You guys want to be me so bad 🤗

Johnny: yeah before it was mark now you?

Ffs sake it's the same girl
So stop being weird

Mark: Yo was it Yunhee?


Haechan: the day Jaehyun is not dry pigs fly

Mark: that's low key a bar

Doyoung: mark what

"where are you going?"
Doyoung looked at jaehyun as he was about to leave through the front door of the dorm. "just bying some new vinyl's?"

"if you ask me you've been going there quite a lot lately." He walked towards
Jaehyun putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Is that where your girlfriend works?"
Jaehyun pushes his hand off and puts on his coat.

"We're not dating so stop." Doyoung just shrugged not minding his stubbornness. "Just saying I'm on team Jaehyun, not Mark."
"I'm leaving!" Jaehyun said not looking back at Doyoung who had an obvious smile on his face.

Y_unhee posted a story

As Jaehyun walked in, he saw Yunhee immersed in her phone, playing Homescapes

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As Jaehyun walked in, he saw Yunhee immersed in her phone, playing Homescapes. Her frustration became more and more evident as she struggled with the game. Jaehyun came closer, watching her play.

"Having trouble?" he asked, a teasing smile on his face.
Yunhee looked up, startled. "Oh, hey. I didn't see you come in."
Jaehyun chuckled. "I could tell. Is your little game giving you a hard time?"

"it's Homescapes for your knowledge and you have no idea," Yunhee groaned, putting her phone down. "I can't seem to get past this level."

"I feel like every time I see you, you do everything but work." Yunhee scoffed looking at Jaehyun. "You surely have experience the life as a retail worker."
He laughed at her comment, leaning over to see what level she was on.

"Maybe I can help, with the game." Jaehyun offered, sitting down next to her.
"You play Homescapes?" Yunhee asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not really," Jaehyun admitted. "But games are good way to kill time."
"Alright, let's see if you can beat this level," Yunhee said, handing him her phone.

As Jaehyun focused on the game, Yunhee watched him, trying to guide him how to play."no! You have to swipe it like this?!"
"Calm down, I don't know the rules." Jaehyun answered her frustrations.
"Give it to me, I'll teach you."
And just like that Yunhee was going step by step with Jaehyun how to play so he hopefully could help her get over that level.

"Got it!" Jaehyun exclaimed a few tries later, handing the phone back to Yunhee with a triumphant grin.
"Wow, you actually did it," Yunhee said, impressed. "You have proven yourself, prince!"

"There isn't a single problem that Prince Charming can't solve, princess." Jaehyun said, leaning over the counter. "So, how's everything else going? The shop busy today?"

"Not too bad," Yunhee replied. "Just the usual crowd."

Jaehyun didn't realize how much he had started to enjoy her company, they chatted for a while longer. As the conversation flowed, Yunhee too felt a sense of ease and comfort around Jaehyun.

Despite only knowing each other for a couple of weeks the presents of each other made the chaos of their respective lives subside, moments like these were precious.

"By the way, I've been looking  to expand my collection." Jaehyun changed the topic. "You gave a pretty good recommendation last time, any more?"
"Of course, what are you looking for today, my dear customer?" Yunhee replied, gesturing towards the shelves.

"Like something uplifting for the morning." Jaehyun said.
Yunhee smiled thinking of a great song for that. "You know I have just the right thing." Yunhee wandered over to the vinyl section, browsing through the mix of records trying to find a specific one.

Jaehyun resumed his spot behind Yunhee following behind her, occasionally glancing over to see Yunhee lost in the music selection.
After a while, Yunhee turned with a vinyls in hand. "What do you think of this one?" She asked

"This is actually perfect" Jaehyun said, examining the record. "You've got good taste."
"Of course , it's me" Yunhee said, looking pleased. "So, any plans for the rest of the day?"
"Not really, finished earlier." He answered looking at her. "What about you?"

"Just work," Yunhee sighed. "But it's not too bad. I actually enjoy being here."
"I can see why," Jaehyun said, glancing around the cozy shop. "It's a nice place. Maybe I'll stick around and help out, if you don't mind."
Yunhee laughed. "Sure, why not? I could use the company."

They spent the next couple of hours together, Jaehyun helping Yunhee with small tasks around the shop and chatting with her in between. Customers came and went.
As the afternoon turned into evening, the shop began to quiet down. Yunhee and Jaehyun found themselves back at the counter, reminiscing about old songs and sharing stories.

"going to high school with you Would be fun." Jaehyun laughed at as she told him how she fell down the stairs. "For you, not me." Yunhee laughed along with Jaehyun.
"This was fun," Jaehyun said, leaning against the counter. "I needed a day like this."

"Me too," Yunhee replied, smiling warmly. "Thanks for keeping me company."
"Anytime," Jaehyun said. "Let's do this sometime again."
"Definitely," Yunhee agreed.

As they said their goodbyes and Jaehyun left the shop, Yunhee felt a sense of contentment. Despite the whirlwind of their lives, moments like these made everything worthwhile. She glanced around the shop, a smile on her face.

Surprising myself with this many chapters updates

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Surprising myself with this many chapters updates.

The album Yunhee gave him was "Geography by Tom Misch."

Vinyls ♪ Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now