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After that incident Jaehyun was constantly thinking about her. who was she? Why did she suddenly appear in the shop, he used to visit almost daily?and how does she know mark?

He was indeed curious about her, maybe so much so he wanted to befriend her. But what he knew with certainty, was that he did not have a great first, second or even third impression. So what can he to do?


Mark how do you make friends

Weird question don't you think?

But like how

Idk it just happens

Big help

Throwing his phone on his bed Jaehyun sighs as he's lost, what does he have to do for them to be friends? Walking over to his vinyl player he puts on the song she recommended.

"remember summer days by anri" as he lets the song play the calming yet uplifting melody of the song is nice, soothing even. Listening to something he didn't expect to enjoy so much.

Suddenly the song stopped playing, Jaehyun lifted his to the Vinyl player to see it stopped working. trying his best to make it work Jaehyun did everything, but nothing worked. Having no other option he went to the vinyl shop again.

Y_unhee posted a story

Hearing the familiar ring of the bell Yunhee stood there with her uncle talking at the register

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Hearing the familiar ring of the bell Yunhee stood there with her uncle talking at the register. Spotting an ever so familiar figure walk through the door.

"What can I help you with?"
Yunhee asked politely. Jaehyun looked hesitant but answered. "Hey... so there is a problem with my vinyl player, it stopped playing.

Looking at from the counter as mr. Chun heard the customers problem. "Is that so?"
"Yes it happened right before I came here." Mr. Chun listen intently to his problem as he explained it.

"Do you think there is something you can do?" Jaehyun looked up nervously as he hoped it wasn't the end for his well beloved vinyl player.

"I'm sure there is something we can do." Mr. Chun smiled at Jaehyun to ease his nerves. "Yunhee, why don't you assist this young man and find out what the problem is? Yunhee looked at her uncle, a bit confused by the sudden mention of the task.

"Sure if that's okay with you?" She looked over at Jaehyun hoping that he'll decline because of interfere with is schedule. "The faster the better." Jaehyun smiled at Yunhee and mr. Chun "then it's settled, you go and help him."

Cursing mentally, Yunhee whispered to her uncle the betrayal, he had put down upon her, leaving her with a stranger, on the way to his place, at 21:00 (9 pm).

Mr. Chun pushed her away reassuringly, as he comforted her.
"Don't worry he's a great guy he won't do anything. He's been a costumer so a long time."

Jaehyun seaming to notice her discomfort look at her."I have roommates so it won't be just the two of us. Mark will be there too." Yunhee feeling a little bit at ease with the now new found knowledge.

Walking towards the tall building, Yunhee looked up at in amazement. "Imagine living here." She muttered in English.
Unbeknownst to her, Jaehyun kept walking to the apartment building seeing someone he recognised, and striking up conversation.

Yunhee kept standing outside looking up no noticing that he went inside.
Finally realising that she was left behind she hurried to the building but as soon stopped by security guards.
"Unit number?"
"I'm sorry I don't live here, I'm just here to help-" he looked Yunhee up and down and made his conclusion.

"I'm sorry I cannot let you in miss."
Yunhee began feeling annoyed because he didn't hear her out.
"What why? You won't even listen-"
"Miss I ask you to leave the premise." Feeling hopeless she went to her final resort. "I know someone who lives here." As she was about to mention mark, Jaehyun came out.

"She's with me." The guard, looked up and nodded. Yunhee looked up at Jaehyun feeling a surge of relief fill her, at the situation he created. "What a nice welcome." yunhee said sarcastically. "I know this fancy place but no need to be so hostile."

Jaehyun looked over to his side as they made their way into the elevator. "You can't really blame the guy he's doing his job, beside a lot of people try to get in daily."

"But like it's not like there are celebrities here- or are there?" She looked back at him, as the two of them made eye contact. "Do you really not know who I am?" He tilted his head with an intrigued look. "Am I supposed to?"

Letting out a little laugh, Jaehyun smiled. "Don't worry about it." Confused by his mannerisms Yunhee asked. "What do you mean by that?" He didn't otter a word just silently smiling to himself, he got out the elevator reaching his apartment.

"Are you like famous or something? You know you can't keep avoiding my questions!" He stopped right in front of the door, turning to her as he leaned down to Yunhees eye level. tilting his head with another sly smile. "Why don't you search my name? Jaehyun Jung to you."

Someone has exams coming up sooo the chapter will be late

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Someone has exams coming up sooo the chapter will be late. 🤪

But this is how he looked at her 😍😍

But this is how he looked at her 😍😍

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Vinyls ♪ Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now