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Yunhee woke up to the gentle rays of sunlight streaming through her window. She stretched and yawned, feeling a sense of dread for not going to sleep early the night before.

After a quick breakfast, Yunhee decided to check her mail. She had been so busy lately that she hadn't had the chance to go through her postbox in a few days. As she sifted through the usual bills and advertisements, her heart skipped a beat when she saw an envelope with the SM Entertainment logo on it.

With trembling hands, she tore open the envelope and pulled out the contents. Inside was a sleek keycard and a letter. She quickly unfolded the letter and read the first few lines:

Dear Yunhee,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at SM Entertainment. We were impressed by your performance and would like to invite you for a headshot session on June 30th 2024. at 2:00 PM. Please use the enclosed keycard for access to the building.

Yunhee's eyes widened as she realized what this meant. She had gotten in! A rush of excitement coursed through her, followed swiftly by a wave of panic. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 11:00 AM. The headshots were in just three hours, and she had no time to waste.

"Oh no," she muttered to herself, scrambling to get ready. She quickly showered, brushed her teeth, and threw on a simple all black outfit. She wanted to look presentable but not overdone. After a hurried attempt at styling her hair and putting on some makeup, she grabbed her bag and dashed out the door.

Yunhee arrived at the SM building, her heart racing with excitement. thinking again and again over the fact that today was her first official shoot. However, as she approached the entrance, she realized with a sinking feeling that she had forgotten her keycard at home.

"Great," she muttered to herself, digging through her bag for the umpteenth time, hoping the keycard would miraculously appear. "Of all days to forget it!"

Feeling frustrated, she pulled out her phone and quickly typed a message to Jaehyun.

Mister royalty 🤴

I'm going to cry

Hey what the problem

I forget the key card to get in at sm I'm supposed to get my headshots in 30 min
I can't make it home
And I'm stuck outside the entrance. This is so embarrassing.

Can't your roommate get it?

No he's at a family gathering
Jaehyun I'm literally going to cry
There are so so so many people

I'm on my way to sm rn
Where do you live?
Maybe I can help

Yunhee hesitated for a moment before typing out her address. She wasn't sure what Jaehyun could do, but at this point, she was willing to try anything.

I live at ************
But don't it's too far
I don't want to trouble you

I'm pretty close by
I can swing by and get it for you.

Are you sure?
You don't have to

I'll be there in a few minutes.

The passcode is 208712

Yunhee sighed with relief. "Thank you, Jaehyun," she whispered to herself. She stood by the entrance, watching people come and go, feeling a little out of place without her keycard.

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