Chapter Three - Escape

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I had a plan. It wasn't a very good plan in any way, shape, or form, but it was something. In the few days I'd been here, I hadn't died, just like Erik had promised. I wasn't really living either though. Either way, I had memorized the exact time they feed me. They did it twice a day. Once in between breakfast and once at dinner.

Them feeding me at dinner was my best bet. Emory, who was the Watcher who brought my food every day, would bring my food at dinner, and I would strike. I didn't exactly want to kill Emory, she was pretty nice actually, but I needed to do what I needed to do to get out of this place. Hopefully I could just knock her out though.

It would be dark around dinner, which would hopefully make it easier to escape with no one noticing. Hopefully.

I waited for Emory to come.

And waited.

And waited.

Then finally it was time.

I heard the door being unlocked and after a moment, Emory stepped in holding a tray of bread, fruit, and cheese. They did feed me pretty good, if I was being honest.

"I just wanted to say thanks," she said, handing me the tray. I didn't say anything. "You've been a really good..."

Prisoner? Hostage? Experiment?

"You've been very cooperative," she amended. Good save. "Thank you for that."

I looked up and straight into her eyes. From looking into the reflection of the shinier tray, I knew my eyes were different. Before they were dark brown, and now the irises were almost completely black. It wasn't the whole eye, but I didn't like it.

"I'm sorry," I said.

She stared back into my eyes. "For what?"

I didn't answer, instead I kicked her. Hard. Right in the stomach.

Emory crumpled to the floor, clutching her stomach and groaned.

"I'm sorry," I said again.

And then I knocked her out cold.

I just stood there in front of her unconscious body before remembering I needed to move. I reached down and grabbed her satchel, shoving my dinner into it. I didn't know the next time I'd see actual food. I also grabbed her knife, tucking it into my belt. The last thing I grabbed was her cloak. It would maybe protect my wings from the eyes of people. Maybe I would forgot about them.

I put the satchel over my shoulder and chest, then I put on the cloak, pulling up the hood. It was good enough. I just had to get out.

With one last glance at Emory, I ran straight out of the cave and into the cold night.

how've you guys been? hopefully better than Emory heh...

actually tho im so bad at this stuff help-

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