Chapter Thirteen - Gone

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Hugging a sad monster with six wings who was shorter than me on a dirt path in the middle of the woods was not how I saw my day going, but I kinda liked it.

The surprise of everything was exciting.

I began to pull away, when Grian gripped my shoulders and back tighter. His talon-claw things dug into my back and even though it wasn't enough to draw blood, it stung a little. I wondered if he even knew he was hurting me.

I held still as Grian continued to hug me. He was practically sobbing into me now. I didn't mind though. I hugged him back again, trying to make him feel safe.

It wasn't fair that these Watchers had turned him into a monster. It wasn't right to just take a human and turn them into something they aren't. Something they shouldn't ever be.

"I'm sorry," Grian said, his voice muffled and sniffly. "I'm so sorry."

"Shh. Stop apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong."

"But I did," he protested, still crying. "I- I- I hurt you. And when he Watchers offered me magic, I wanted it. I wanted it so bad. I did everything they asked without a second thought."

"Did you know they would turn you into- into what you are now?"


"Then it's not your fault. It's theirs."


"Stop. You haven't done anything wrong, okay? When you attacked me, you had good reason. I shouldn't have drawn you in like that. And as for right now, I can understand why you want to stay okay this hug. I personally, am also enjoying it."

Grian's head snapped up. "Right now? I'm hurting you right now-"

Shoot. Good going, Scar.

"No," I tried.

"You just said-"

"I'm fine. It's not even that bad. Continue hugging." I tried pulling him closer, but he resisted.

"Where am I hurting you?"

Part of me wondered, how on earth he didn't know, while the other was busy ridiculing myself for saying anything.

"It's fine," I insisted.

Grian stared at me again. A rare time when he would make eye contact with me. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and the sharp pricks of claws on my back fell away.

He stepped back, somehow escaping my hold. "Oh Scar- I- I shouldn't be with you- I shouldn't be with anyone- I'm dangerous. I didn't even realize I was doing that, or that it was hurting you."

"But you weren't," I said.

He ignored me, taking another step back. "I should leave." He glanced around at the thick trees.

"No!" I cried. I didn't want to be alone again. I didn't want to be without Grian. He was growing on me, once he had started opening up and letting his real personality shine through. "Please! What about your oath? Don't leave me!"

"It's for the greater good," Grian promised me. "I- I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anybody."

"You won't! We're just going to find your friends. That's it. We aren't doing anything else. Please don't leave."

Grian looked like he wanted to cry again. "I'm sorry."

I wished he would stop saying that. It wasn't his fault. Nothing was his fault. Everything could be pointed back to the Watchers. Why he was a monster, why he was so different when compared to his real personality, and especially why he was leaving. He didn't want to hurt me. He didn't want the monster in him to hurt me. It was all the Watchers fault.

I took a step toward him, but it was too late.

Grian spun on his heels and ran away.

Then he was gone.

well that was fun

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