Chapter Four - Crystal

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My merchant business was booming. Any traveler, wanderer, anyone really, would stop in. Half of them bought something.

I didn't know what I was doing, but whatever it was, it was working.

Okay, so maybe I did know what o was doing. And maybe I was using crystals and magic to lure them in, but the actual buys were entirely up to them.

It was fun, telling mortals who did didn't know me about crystals and magic and whatnot. It was fun that I didn't know them either.

"And here is our best love crystal," I said. I pulled it off a shelf and showed it to them. "Guaranteed to work."

"Hm." The young man who had come in reached out his hand, and I handed the love crystal to him. "I do feel more... lovable. It's gonna work?"

I nodded. "Yep. Or you can come back and we'll find something that actually works."

He handed me the money it would cost to purchase. "Thank you. I really needed this."

I grinned. Everything was going great. "No problem. Good luck." I winked. "I know you won't need it though."

He smiled, clutching the crystal to his chest. "Thanks! Have a great rest of your day."

"You too."


"See you."

I watched him leave, making a mental note of checking on him later. I wanted to see how his story played out. He seemed like a nice guy, whoever he was.

I walked to the door and locked it. Then I sat down on the couch in the small back room and just laid down, thinking. Everything was going great.

so yeah. a short Scar part again. 

anyway anyone up for some mac-and-cheese?

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