Chapter Seventeen - Search

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Emory was delivered unconscious to me around noon.

As soon as I saw her, I lost my appetite. Even unconscious and obviously treated by our doctors, she didn't look very good. Not a very good thing to stare at while eating lunch.

Jax, the Watcher who had brought Emory into my office, glanced between me, Emory, and the floor nervous.

I stood up. "What's this? Why is she unconscious?"

Jax swallowed. "Um- the prisoner hit her with what we- as in me and the other Watchers- assume was his food tray. Knocked her out cold. Still hasn't woken up."

Ah, so this was Grian's doing. He had finally snapped.

"I'm assuming he escaped?" I guessed.

Jax nodded.

I sighed. "How long ago was it? We can catch the little monster before he gets too far. We won't let him get away like his friends."

Jax coughed. "Right, about that." He glanced at Emory. "We- we only found her passed out today."


"And our doctors say that she's been out for awhile. A day, maybe more."

"What?!" I glared at Jax. "How did no one find her sooner?"

"No one else usually checks on the prisoners," Jax admitted. "And it wasn't unusual for Emory to be down there for awhile..."

I sighed, taking deep breaths. "Okay, okay. That's fine. I mean, how far can he get with a one to two day start?"

Jax coughed again. "Well, if he flying..."

I dismissed the thought with a wave. "No, he wouldn't be flying. I don't think he's comfortable enough. Besides, no one taught him, so he wouldn't know how."

"Right." Jax glanced around nervously again. "So should I organize search parties or-"

"Yes," I said. "Organize three, each with three people in it. Have one group stick to the path, and the other two search the forests on either side. Got that?"

Jax nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now go."

Jax nodded again, then grabbed Emory's body and brought her out.

I sighed, looking out my window. I would find Grian. I had to. I wasn't about to lose another experiment.

so yeah

anyway im going to florida so dont expect anything from me another weekish byeeee-

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