Chapter Fifteen - Hermits

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Soon, I saw a faint light up ahead, and heard voices talking.

"I don't think I can get out even if I wanted to," I said. "Those tunnels are intense."

Cleo glanced back at me with an amused smile. "Yeah, I guess they can be confusing, but if did want to leave- which you won't- someone would probably escort you out."

"Well, that's nice to know. I guess."

The light got brighter and the voices louder until we were in a huge cavern.

It was bright and green and it didn't even feel like we were underground anymore. It was amazing.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Cleo said, reading my expression of awe.

I nodded. "Yeah. How do it feel like sunlight?"

She winked at me. "Magic."


She laughed. "No, just some cleverly placed torches and lanterns."

"Still," I said.

"Cleo?" Someone said. "I knew I recognized that laugh."

The newcomer another person taller than me. (No surprise there though, why was I so short?) He had a sort of lab coat on, but still overall looked more put-together than Cleo did.

"Oh." He waved at me. "Looks like Cleo brought a friend."

I waved back, wondering if he was like Cleo. Or- or me. The only thing that looked different about him was his eyes, which were an odd blue color.

"Grian, this is Cub, Cub, this is Grian," Cleo introduced us.

Cub nodded at me. "Nice to meet you, Grian."

"You too." I glanced back at Cleo. "So what exactly is this place and why am I here again?"

Instead of Cleo, Cub was who answered.

"This is the Evermore," he said. "It's a safe place for people- er- people who are different."


Monsters like us is what he meant. But what kind of weird monster hybrid was Cub? Come to think of it, what kind of weird monster hybrid was I? Cleo was obviously a zombie, but what about me?

Cub smiled a knowing smile. "Yeah. It's a little depressing at first. We don't see normal people a lot, if at all. We call ourselves the Hermits because of that."

Cleo scoffed. "Normal people. Think they're so much better than us. Sure, they have some magic, but what good is that? Can they survive months without food? Can they see in the dark? Can walk through fire? I don't think so."

Cub shoot her a look. "Don't let Mumbo hear you say that. And not all normal humans are that bad. Some are nice."

"Oh yeah? Name one nice human you've come across," she challenged.

I immediately thought of Scar. He was so nice. Oh- oh Scar. Why did I leave? Right, because I was protecting him. From... me.

I hadn't really met anyone else. Other than that guy at the Coldcreek inn, and he was anything but nice. They Watchers weren't very nice either.

Cub didn't say anything.


"Some of their magic is useful though," another new person said, joining our little group.

It was a girl who looked about my age. She was someone who was still taller than me, but not by much. (It was about time I met some short people. Thank god.) She was wearing overalls over a green shirt and had orange braided hair. She was definitely the most put together person out of everyone right now.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Gem."

She also had small antlers with flowers strung around them and a short little tail. Maybe she was a deer hybrid. But she shouldn't be considered a monster. She was just a deer hybrid.

"Grian," I said. I wanted to ask why she was here, but I didn't know if that was rude.

Thankfully, she seemed to guess my question.

"Deer hybrid," she explained. "Technically, I probably could've lived out a fairly normal life in the forest or something, but that's no fun. At least here it's not boring."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense."

"So if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" She asked.

I glanced at Cleo. "No idea actually. Cleo dropped out of the sky and just brought me here. Cub explained a little bit more, but I'm still- I don't really know. It's just a lot I guess."

Gem nodded. "I guess it can be if you're not used to it." She looked me over. "I know it's technically against the rules to ask what someone is, but do you mind telling me?"

"Gem!" Cub scolded her. "We're not supposed to ask that!" He glanced at me. "Kind of just a gentleman's rule. If they don't tell, don't ask. Still don't know what a few of the Hermits are to this day," he added, muttering to himself.

"Oh," I said.

That was nice.

"Sorry," Gem said. "But-"

"If he doesn't want to tell," Cub said again, "don't ask."

I shrugged. "It's fine." I looked at Gem. "I don't really know what I am to be honest."

"Do you have a tail or something? Ooh, or wings? I would love some wings."

I had six actually.

"Can you take off your hood?" Gem asked. She was looking a tiny bit worried now, like she thought she might have overstepped.

Honestly, I completely forgot about my hood and cape. I guess it was time to show myself. How bad could it be? I mean, Cleo was a zombie.

I took a deep breath, and took the hood down.

mOrE NEw cHaRAcTerS????

anyone wanting a Scar pov? no? ok well-

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