Chapter Six - Asleep

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I didn't stop running until to small town of Coldcreek was far out of sight. I had ditched the path a long time ago, and I was in the forest now.

I stopped, using a tree to hold myself up. I was straight up panting.

I screamed. I clawed up the tree beyond repair. It wouldn't die, but it would never be the same either. Apparently, I could do that. My finger could turn into sharp talon-like claws. I really was monster.

I screamed again, sitting down against the tree. I began to cry.

The Watchers had ruined my life forever. I couldn't even sleep in an inn anymore. This was my life now. Sitting under shredded trees crying and screaming and being angry. Being a monster. Being me, because that's who I was now. A monster.

I reached for my satchel, wanting to eat something, but it wasn't there. Only my knife. I sighed. Just my luck.

Eventually, I fell asleep under the tree. I don't even know how it happened. Maybe from exhaustion. Whatever had happened, I was asleep now, and I didn't really want to wake up.

it's a little shorter than I would've liked...

oh well

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