Horatio/Marisol (Prompt 6) -Csi

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The room is dimly lit, the curtains drawn. Horatio Caine and Marisol Delko lie side by side on the bed, their fingers entwined.

HORATIO: "Marisol, it's been too long since we had a moment like this."

MARISOL: "Agreed, Horatio. Life has been relentless lately—cases, investigations, danger."

They both close their eyes, seeking solace.

HORATIO: "Remember that night in the Everglades? We were chasing down a suspect, and the moonlight reflected off the water."

MARISOL: "How could I forget? You held me close, and for a moment, everything else disappeared."

Outside, the city buzzes with activity.

HORATIO: "Marisol, I've missed you. The divorce, the drama—it tore us apart."

MARISOL: "We both made mistakes, Horatio. But here we are."

Their breaths synchronize, the weight of their shared history heavy.

HORATIO: "You know, Marisol, I've always admired your strength. You faced cancer head-on, fought for every moment."

MARISOL: "And your dedication to justice—it's unwavering. You're a force, Horatio."

The room is silent, save for their breathing.

HORATIO: "Marisol, will you stay tonight? Let's forget the world outside."

MARISOL: "Horatio, I—"

But he places a finger on her lips.

HORATIO: "No words. Just this moment."

They drift into sleep, their hearts echoing in the darkness.

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