Mac/Stella- 154

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The rain-slicked streets of New York City held secrets—secrets that Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasera were about to uncover. They stood outside the dimly lit nightclub, their mission clear: infiltrate the criminal underworld, posing as a couple. Mac adjusted his tie, his heart racing.

"Remember, Stella," he whispered, "we're just playing a part."

Stella's eyes sparkled, her lips curving into a half-smile. "Right. Pretend couple. Got it."

Inside, the pulsing music swallowed them—the bass vibrating through their bones. Mac's hand found the small of Stella's back, guiding her toward the bar. Their cover story: a tech-savvy couple looking for connections. But beneath the neon lights, something shifted—a chemistry they couldn't fake.

"So," Mac said, leaning in, "how long have we been together?"

Stella's laughter was genuine. "Long enough to know you're terrible at dancing."

He twirled her, their bodies brushing. "I'll have you know, I've got moves."

As they mingled with the crowd, Stella's laughter faded into something deeper. She studied Mac—the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the scar on his knuckle from a bar fight long ago. He wasn't just a coworker; he was a puzzle she wanted to solve.

Mac leaned close, his breath warm against her ear. "You're good at this, Stella. Too good."

She met his gaze, her pulse quickening. "Maybe I've had practice."

Their banter masked the tension—the thrill of danger and the pull of attraction. When they cornered a suspect, their fingers brushed, and Stella's heart stuttered. Mac's eyes held hers, and for a moment, they weren't pretending.

"Tell me something real," Mac murmured. "Something no one else knows."

Stella hesitated, then confessed, "I've always wanted to learn salsa dancing."

His grin was wicked. "Well, partner, maybe we can practice later."

As the night wore on, they navigated lies and half-truths. But when Stella stumbled, Mac caught her—a reflex, or something more. Their lips brushed, and suddenly, the mission blurred. They weren't just undercover; they were unraveling each other's secrets.

In a dim alley, away from prying eyes, Mac pressed her against the brick wall. Rain dripped from his hair, and Stella tasted salt and adrenaline. The world narrowed to the heat between them—the way his lips moved against hers, hungry and urgent.

"Stella," he whispered, "we're in too deep."

She didn't want to surface. "Then let's drown together."

And so, beneath the neon lights, Mac and Stella found their truth—a love that defied cases and danger. They were more than partners; they were each other's salvation

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