22 - Martin Fitzgerald/Danny Taylor

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Martin Fitzgerald and Danny Taylor, partners in the FBI's missing persons unit, had seen their fair share of intense cases. But today, they found themselves in a different kind of predicament—one that involved laughter, camaraderie, and a swimming pool.

It was a sweltering summer afternoon, and the New York City heat clung to their skin like a second layer. Martin, with his sandy hair and easy smile, leaned against the pool's edge, watching Danny fiddle with his sunglasses.

"You know," Martin said, "we should be solving cases, not sunbathing."

Danny scoffed. "Speak for yourself, Fitzgerald. I need a break from all those missing persons flyers."

Martin's eyes sparkled. "Agreed. How about a little friendly competition?"

Danny raised an eyebrow. "What kind of competition?"

"Who can throw the other into the pool first," Martin declared, pointing at the crystal-blue water.

Danny grinned. "You're on."

They circled each other, sizing up their opponent. Martin lunged first, but Danny sidestepped, laughing. Martin stumbled, almost losing his balance, and Danny seized the opportunity. With a swift move, he grabbed Martin's arm and spun him around, sending him flying into the pool.

The splash echoed, and Martin resurfaced, sputtering. "You cheater!"

Danny shrugged. "All's fair in love and pool wrestling."

Martin retaliated, lunging at Danny. But Danny was quick—he ducked, and Martin ended up in the water again. This time, he surfaced with a mischievous grin. "Two can play this game."

They wrestled, their laughter echoing off the pool tiles. Martin tried to dunk Danny, but Danny twisted away, his wet hair sticking to his forehead. Martin's heart raced—not from the exertion, but from the thrill of being carefree.

"You're pretty good at this," Martin admitted, treading water.

Danny smirked. "Years of practice. Plus, I've got a secret weapon."

Before Martin could ask, Danny lunged, wrapping his arms around Martin's waist. Martin's world spun, and suddenly, he was airborne. Danny's strength surprised him as he hurled Martin into the air, and Martin's laughter turned into a whoop.

He hit the water with a satisfying splash, and Danny followed, diving in beside him. They bobbed to the surface, gasping for breath, their clothes clinging to their skin.

"You win," Martin said, wiping water from his eyes.

Danny grinned. "Nah, it's a tie. We both got wet."

They floated side by side, staring up at the clear sky. Martin's heart felt light, unburdened by cases or family drama. Danny's past struggles with alcohol seemed a distant memory.

"Danny," Martin said, "why do we do this job?"

Danny's gaze softened. "To find people. To bring them home."

"But sometimes," Martin continued, "we forget to live."

Danny nodded. "Yeah. We forget to throw each other into pools."

Martin splashed him. "Exactly."

As the sun dipped lower, casting golden ripples across the water, Martin realized that friendship was their lifeline. In this crazy city, amidst chaos and heartache, they had each other.

Danny leaned closer. "Martin, you're my anchor."

Martin's heart skipped a beat. "And you're mine."

And so, in that sun-drenched pool, Martin Fitzgerald and Danny Taylor forged a bond stronger than any case file—a friendship that would carry them through the darkest nights and the brightest days.

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