Mac/Stella (Prompt 85)- Csi Ny

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Stella's apartment was her sanctuary—a cocoon of comfort where she could escape the chaos of the world. But tonight, it was tainted. The crime scene tape wrapped around her haven like a noose, and the bloodstains on the carpet screamed of violence. She couldn't bear it any longer.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, Stella stepped inside. The chair still lay toppled, her handbag forgotten on the floor. The memories of that fateful night haunted her—the fear, the struggle, and Franky's voice echoing in her mind. She needed to flee, to find solace elsewhere.

Outside, Mac and Danny celebrated a hockey victory. Their laughter and cheers filled the room, but Mac's senses picked up on something else—the soft knock on his door. Curious, he opened it, and there stood Stella, trembling, her eyes wide with fear.

"Stella," Mac said, pulling her into his arms. She clung to him, her composure crumbling. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "I can't stay there anymore. It's tainted."

Mac held her tighter, his heart racing. "You're safe here," he murmured. "Always."

In the quiet of the night, Stella found refuge in Mac's embrace. Her confession came in a whisper, barely audible. "Mac, I love you."

He kissed her forehead, his own heart laid bare. "I love you too, Stella. Always have."

And in that sleepy moment, amidst the warmth of their shared love, they found solace—a haven beyond crime scenes and bloodstains. Their whispered confessions sealed their fate, intertwining their lives forever

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