5- Ryan Wolfe/Walter Simmons- CSI Miami

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Detective Ryan Wolfe leaned against the evidence locker, smirking at his colleague, Walter Simmons. The Miami sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the worn linoleum floor.

"You know, Walter," Ryan said, "I've been thinking."

Walter raised an eyebrow. "Dangerous territory, my friend. What's on that brilliant mind of yours?"

Ryan adjusted his glasses. "Well, it occurred to me that your fashion sense is like a crime scene—chaotic, confusing, and in desperate need of investigation."

Walter chuckled. "Coming from the guy who wears those oversized lab coats? You look like you're auditioning for a role in 'Ghostbusters.'"

Ryan feigned offense. "Hey, the lab coats are practical! They hide the coffee stains and protect me from rogue DNA samples."

Walter leaned closer. "And those pocket protectors? Are they part of your secret superhero ensemble?"

Ryan grinned. "Absolutely. I call myself 'Captain Clumsy.' My superpower? Tripping over my own shoelaces."

Walter shook his head. "You're lucky you're good at your job, Ryan. Otherwise, we'd have to send you to fashion rehab."

Ryan pointed at Walter's tie. "Speaking of fashion crimes, what's the deal with that tie? Did you borrow it from a magician's rabbit?"

Walter tugged at the garish purple tie. "It's my lucky charm. Plus, it distracts suspects during interrogations. They're so busy staring at it, they spill their secrets."

Ryan laughed. "Well, it's working. But seriously, Walter, you've got to let go of the '90s sitcom detective look. Magnum P.I. called—they want their Hawaiian shirts back."

Walter crossed his arms. "At least I don't wear socks with sandals, Ryan. You're like the poster child for fashion disasters."

Ryan glanced down at his mismatched socks. "Hey, these are my lucky socks. They've seen some intense crime scenes."

Walter leaned against the locker next to Ryan. "You know, despite our friendly jabs, I'm glad we're partners."

Ryan's expression softened. "Yeah, me too. We make a good team, even if our fashion choices are questionable."

Walter extended his hand. "Deal. And hey, maybe one day we'll solve a case without tripping over our own shoelaces."

Ryan shook his hand. "Agreed. Until then, let's keep the banter alive. It's our secret weapon."

As they headed out of the precinct, still teasing each other, Ryan knew that Walter was more than just a colleague. He was a friend—the kind you could count on, even when your tie clashed with your socks.

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