Greg/Morgan prompt 34

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The rain fell in a steady rhythm, washing the neon-lit streets of Las Vegas. Greg Sanders, his lab coat soaked, stepped out of the crime scene. The case had been brutal—a twisted puzzle of blood and betrayal. But tonight, something else weighed on his mind—the enigmatic Morgan Brody.

Morgan, with her sharp eyes and determination, had become a fixture in the lab. They shared late nights analyzing evidence, chasing leads, and unraveling secrets. Greg admired her tenacity, the way she never backed down. But lately, there was more—a flutter in his chest whenever she walked into the room.

"Greg," Morgan's voice cut through the rain. She stood under the flickering streetlamp, her hair damp and her eyes searching. "You forgot your umbrella."

He chuckled, shaking his head. *"I don't mind getting wet. Rain cleanses the city, you know?"

Morgan stepped closer, her gaze intense. *"And what about us? Can rain cleanse our secrets too?"

Greg's heart skipped a beat. "Secrets?" he asked, feigning innocence.

She tilted her head. *"You're hiding something, Greg. Something beyond the crime scenes."

"Maybe," he admitted. *"But what about you? You're Ecklie's daughter, yet you chose this life."

Morgan's lips curved. "I'm not my father," she said. *"And neither are you."

The rain intensified, plastering their clothes to their skin. Greg reached for her hand, the touch electric. "Morgan," he whispered, *"I've been waiting for the right moment."

"Waiting?" she echoed, her eyes searching his. *"For what?"

"For this." And he kissed her—a rain-soaked kiss that tasted of longing and possibility. The world blurred around them, leaving only Morgan's lips against his, the raindrops merging with their tears.

"Greg," she murmured, *"we're both broken. But maybe we can mend each other."

He nodded, pulling her close. "Together," he said. *"In the rain, under the city lights."

And so, in the downpour, Greg and Morgan whispered their truths—a love that defied the darkness, a connection forged in blood and rain. They walked side by side, leaving footprints on the wet pavement—a path toward redemption, toward each other.

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