105 - Danny Messer/Aiden Burn

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Detective Danny Messer leaned against the cold brick wall, staring at the crime scene. The alley was dimly lit, shadows dancing like ghosts. But it wasn't the bloodstains or the discarded syringe that haunted him—it was the memory of her.

Aiden Burn.

She'd been his partner, his confidante. They'd shared late-night stakeouts, whispered secrets, and the kind of camaraderie that transcended badges and precinct walls. Aiden had a way of seeing through his tough exterior, peeling back the layers until he was exposed, vulnerable.

And now she was gone.

Danny closed his eyes, willing the images away. But they persisted—the way she'd laugh at his terrible jokes, the scent of her perfume lingering in the squad car, the warmth of her hand on his shoulder during tough cases. He could almost hear her voice, teasing him about his coffee addiction or urging him to take care of himself.

"You're way out of my league, Danny," she'd say, her eyes twinkling. "But I'll keep you around anyway."

He'd never told her how much those words meant to him. How he'd fallen for her, quietly, hopelessly. But timing had never been their ally. She was his partner, and he couldn't risk their friendship.

Now, standing in the same alley where she'd taken her last breath, Danny felt like he was hallucinating. Aiden was there, just beyond the yellow tape, her silhouette flickering like a mirage. He could almost hear her footsteps, the soft rustle of her jacket.

"You're not real," he whispered, his voice breaking.

But she turned, and her eyes met his—those dark, knowing eyes that had seen too much. "Danny," she said, her voice a bittersweet melody. "You always were a stubborn one."

He reached out, fingers grazing the air. "Aiden, why?"

She stepped closer, her form wavering. "I had to leave clues, Danny. Evidence that would lead you to him."

Him. The man who'd taken her life. Danny clenched his fists. "I'll find him. I swear."

Aiden smiled, fading like smoke. "You're my partner, Danny. Always."

And then she was gone, leaving him with a heart full of ache and a determination to bring justice to her memory.

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