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It's been a week and Aurora still hasn't shown up to any of our classes.

It's like she just disappeared off the grind or something.

And she also never answered any of my messages other than the one I sent her a week ago.

I continued my studies in school anyways.

If she wants to act weird instead of telling me what wrong so be it.

Even though I'm hurt, I think I'll just let my head take over my actions instead of my heart.

I feel like that's the best decision anyways.

Once lunch break started, I left class and went to Auroras favorite cafe.

The place I first ever seen her at.

I knew I probably shouldn't go there, but I didn't think she was gonna be there anyways so I showed up.

I was sulking at the Auroras usual table in front of the window thinking about what we could've been when the bell on the door rang.

I looked up in hopes of seeing Aurora but instead I was meet with a really pretty blonde woman with interesting golden yellow eyes.

I don't think I've ever seen anybody with that eye color before.

I stopped staring and look back out the window until I heard Auroras voice somewhere behind me.

I turnt around just in time to see the blonde girl and Aurora kissing.

Tears started to form in my eyes.

I see a blurry image of Aurora pulling away.

"Rosalie," Aurora starts.

"You know you want me honey,"Rosalie states.

I walk up to them.

How could I not?

She was leading me on the whole time just to disappear kissing another girl?

I pulled Rosalie off of her.

"AURORA," I start.

"Baby, I can explain"

"How could you do this to me? Leading me on for what?" I ask with a tear stained face.

"She never wanted you anyways. She was just getting back at me for breaking her poor little heart. I bet you know how she feels! Isn't that right?" Rosalie whispered in my ear behind me while laughing.

I turnt around and slapped her.

Maybe I shouldn't have.

But there was no need for her to rub it in my face like that.

Afterwards I ran out the cafe door.

With a tear stain face.

Broken heart.

And only one thing on my mind.

What did I do wrong?


Heyy guys!! I been feeling like updating a lot recently 😭 also this book is also really close to coming to an end 😭 Yeahh fun while it lasted huh? I'm not done yet ok but pretty soon I will be😭 I hope by the time I finish this book, all of y'all reading this will hopefully join in my adventures in my future works too! Also this is random but my grandma mopped the house up and she used this chemical and it's been making my eyes burn for the last 30 minutes. Like the chemical is literally all around my house. There's no escape😭 oh and also I got honors at school today! And I'm going to get to go to the ceremony for honor students in a couple of days!

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