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  I've spent the next couple of days on a set routine.




It was as simple as that.

But every now and then my mind would always wonder about Aurora.

But I don't know.

Jasslyn is kind of starting to grow on me.

But no matter what I do.

It's just like.

In the back of my mind.

In the dark of night.

When it's just me alone with my thoughts.

She's the only thing my mind seems to think about.

I always wonder if she's thinking of me too.


I get out of bed and continue my usual new routine.

Usual because it's my exact routine I've always done for school.

And new because I'm in a new apartment of course.

I brush my teeth.

Wash my face.

I took a shower and got my school clothes on the night before since I knew I would be too lazy to do it in the morning.

I walk into the kitchen to see Alice already there.

Of course she is.

She seems like an early bird.

I've decided to get to try and get to know my new roomie.

"Good morning Alice," I say.

"Morning," she responds with a yawn.

"So I feel like we got on the wrong foot when we first met, can we start new?"

"Sure," she responds with an amused look on her face.

"I'm Julianna, nice to meet you," I say extending my hand out for her to shake.

"Alice," she says shaking my hand with a slight smile on her face.


I walk past the coffee shop on my way to school.

I don't know why but I look through the window.

I guess hoping I would see Aurora sitting there.

But of course she's not.

I sigh and continue my journey to school.


I find my seat and sit down.

I thought I would be free of Aurora but of course she's makes it to class as soon as the bell rings.

She sat down in the seat next to me.

Not saying a single word or even sparing a glance my way.

It doesn't bother me anyways.

I didn't want to talk or waste my time with her ass either way.

I think as my science teacher is explaining how wearing headphones for an hour multiples the bacteria in your ears by 700.

Or at least that's what I think he said.

I stopped paying attention and just zoned out for the rest of the class period until the bell ringed.

What was the point of me working my buttocks off in high school just to not even focus on a Yale college class room?

Maybe I should've went to a community college.

I think as I'm packing my books in my bag.

I continue to put my things away until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn my head to see Aurora staring at me.

And I just roll my eyes at her.

What else could I do?

"Please just listen to me Julianna, I truly never meant to hurt you or make you cry I genuinely would never purposely do something like that and-"

I cut her off.

"And I genuinely really don't care and to be honest you can take that fake ass apology and shove it up your ass ok sweetie?," I tell her as sarcastically as I can manage.

She tilts her head to the side looking at me.

"Do you really mean that?"




She gets cut off again.

Not by me this time though.

But by Alice who was standing at the door.

How did she even find my classroom?


We both turn our heads to look at the door.

Then we simultaneously both turn our heads to look back at each other.

"I actually have to go," I say giving her a sarcastic smile.

"You have a new girlfriend?" She asks looking at me with both a look of confusion and something else I couldn't figure out.

"That's none of your business," I say walking past her and to the door where Alice was standing.


Heyyy guyyss. I lowkey want to do a face reveal but at the same time I kind of want to stay anonymous 😭 anyways have a GREAT NIGHT OR DAY OR WTV TIME IT IS UR READING THIS!

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