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I got ready for school.

Per usual.

Nothing interesting really happened.

I ate breakfast, took a mirror picture on my camera, and let my thoughts run free.

My morning was pretty normal or as normal as it can be right now, until I made it to my first class.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Aurora sitting in her seat.

Why does she decide to come to school now? She should've just stayed at her house fucking that blonde girl. Whatever her name was.

At first I was just gonna skip 1st period but I decided I'm not gonna let a stupid piece of shit stop me from going to class.

So I walked to my seat of course.

As I walked past Aurora, she had the nerve to turn around and stare innocently at me. We all know she's anything but innocent.

I sat down and tried to ignore her.

I didn't think I'll ever see her in person or ever at all again but here we are now.

I see her staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

"Hey," she started"

"Shut. Up."

"Baby, I can explain"

Her having the nerve to call me "baby" after what she did to me really gave me a surge of courage.

"You know, you really got some nerves calling me baby after what you did"

"Julianna, please just hear me out"

"We don't have anything to talk about," I stated.

"We sure as hell do"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" I asked staring her dead in the eyes.


"Pls get out of my face with you're bullshit Aurora, I swear"

"Then just hear me out, pls Im begging, I'll get on my knees and beg if I have to"

"Go on you're knees and beg to you're little girlfriend," I told her while staring at the time. We only had 5 minutes left of this class. I'm so happy about that.

"Don't bring her up, you know I'll always be yours only"

I turnt around and stared at her with tears starting to fill my eyes.

"You know I'm such an idiot. I wanted it to be you so fucking bad Aurora, and you knew that. But now look at us. We went from strangers to having a thing for each other to strangers with memories together. All because you just had to fuck me over. For what? You're own personal benefit. You're a piece of shit. I wish we never met and I'm done listening to your constant useless excuses. Have a nice life Aurora. I guess," I told her just as the bell ring.


Great timing. I thought as I walked out of the class.


Heyy guys. Aurora has sm attitude for being the person in the wrong🤣 my grandpas funeral is tomorrow and I have family from Philadelphia, Tennessee, and etc coming to visit us. So there's sm ppl I have to see😭 ehh I feel like his funeral is lowkey gonna be a hot mess bc ppl in my family always got beef w eachother😪 also I made a Tik Tok video that got over 40k views. Does that make me an influencer now?? I'm just kidding ofc😭

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