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Toji slowly led me through the nearby town he scratched the back of his neck for a bit as he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small knife. "Ok kid here's what we're gonna do you're gonna take that dagger and enter that alleyway inside should be a singular grade 4 spirit your goal is to kill the spirit that's a cursed tool so no need to worry about the imbuement part of that yet but once you learn to imbue your cursed energy I'll hand you a regular blade," Thats all Toji said as he pointed at a nearby alleyway.

As I stood there silently I grabbed the knife from Toji it was a Tanto dagger. I know of the dagger type because there was an image of it in the cursed energy book. The dagger was around 16cm long. It was pretty sharp and well-cleaned. It smelled of bleach so it was well taken care of, or was that the wrong way to take care of tools I don't know(Neither do I man).

I grabbed the weapon and walked into the alleyway inside the alley flew a small creature that had wings on its head in all honesty it looked like a worm-fly mixture it was ugly and had a long wormy +tail as I stared at the spirit it soon flew at me as if it was going to try and get violent.

The spirit flew at me and threw a punch it felt like getting flicked. It wasn't a pain as I stared at the spirit who kept throwing its punch as in a single moment with just a flick of my wrist the dagger bisected the spirit. The spirit panicked for a moment but before it could move in any way, it fell to the ground and died as its body and blood disintegrated the cursed energy from the spirit's body soon flew towards me I prepared in case it was an attack yet suddenly my body just absorbed the very essence the spirit was made of... that's unexpected the book didn't mention that.

I turned around and walked to Toji as he stood silently waiting for me I left the alleyway and I handed him back the dagger. Toji smirked as grabbed the dagger and put it back in its sheath before quickly and swiftly putting it back into his pocket. "Alright kid, let's go. I'm gonna teach you something about weaponry." 

Toji said exhaustedly with a smile on his face as I followed him silently he just kept walking toward the exit of town as I followed him until we soon were near a small wooded area inside that area there was a small red Torii gate that I followed Toji through. As I saw a traditional household. It was a large building that looked like it had been lived in for a long while. As Toji without making a single noise led me to a single room, it was large. It had wooden weapons on both sides and a ground made of well-kept and perfectly clean wood. A large white mat covering the wooden floor.

"I don't like being in this house but I need an open area to teach you about something you need to learn." Toji grabbed one of the wooden katanas as he spoke. "That's a pretty basic Gendaito Katana. your goal right now is to land a single hit on me." I nod swiftly as I grab my katana and hold it firmly before I soon speak, "Hold on, shouldn't I learn the basics of this?" I asked as Toji had a smug smirk on his face. 

Toji spoke quickly and efficiently not wasting a single breath that he could use to do better things, "Nah you don't after all in an actual fight your opponent won't care about any form of stance or rules you need to learn to fight guerilla." He said as I nodded he entered an unconventional stance. It was strange, to say the least as I grabbed my katana tightly and ran to Toji. He stood there silently and just listened.

I grabbed my katana and swiftly slashed at Toji's lower body within a moment Toji's arm moved and blocked my attack. My hands hurt as I felt my body shake just from that block. It felt like hitting a brick wall. I then moved and slashed at Toji's other side, again and again trying time every time to hit Toji, Yet with only with only one hand and without trying to he blocked every attack of mine as Toji yawned I kept trying again and again, changing trajectory as Toji blocked each slash with less care than the previous one. As suddenly as if by instinct I felt something strange happen. 

Jujutsu Kaisen: A Tale of Cursed FleshWhere stories live. Discover now