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I stood silently in a room. The room looked rather rustic, similar to the surrounding village, it had wooden walls and was rather basic with only 1 room in this building and a bunch of shoji around it. As I stare into the middle of the room I see a large wooden cage with a gigantic metal padlock as I look at the cage inside of it I see two girls who look only slightly younger than me, one of them has brown hair and brown eyes a small 1 piece black dress around her body the dress had no sleeves. Her body was battered and beaten, covered in bruises as I looked at her, my heartstrings being tugged at both of the girls reminded me of myself from just 2 years ago. The other girl was blonde with the same brown eyes. Her dress however was white and her body was just as beaten... no it was even worse than the brown-haired girls.

Geto suddenly moved her arm and began to poke at her forehead in exhaustion, her nail digging into her skin slightly as the fat man and old lady looked at the 2 children in the cage with absolute disgust. I stare at the two of them silently as they look at me and Geto afraid for their lives as I gulp nervously my cursed energy flow being thrown off just from this sight. As Geto kept tapping her head silently the candles that surrounded this room were glowing a bright blue. Geto spoke in an exhausted, confused, and enraged tone just from this sight, "What exactly is this?" She asked not turning to look at the two people behind her, as the fat man spoke, "What do you mean? They're the cause of all this, right?" he asked as I felt my blood boiling for once I wanted to kill someone. I have never felt a blood lust for someone before except these two. "No." Geto replied to the fat man as he rebuked what Geto said angrily, "Those two used their strange powers to attack the villagers." The fat man said angrily as Geto swiftly responded to the man, "I've already determined and exterminated the cause of those incidents." Geto retorted trying to explain to the two idiotic humans as the old woman spoke angrily, "Those two nearly killed my grandson." The old lady was angry at these two kids for essentially no reason.

As the blonde-haired child spoke quickly "He's the one who-" The old lady quickly yelled at the child enraged anger not from the harm to her grandchild but from what she did not understand, "SHUT UP YOU MONSTER! BOTH YOUR PARENTS WERE THE SAME!! WE SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN YOU WERE BOTH BABIES" As the two hugged each other close panicked and afraid Geto dropped her hand and put it in front of the two girls a small skull-like curse flew out of her hand as the curse opened its mouth and spoke, "It's all going to be ok." As Geto turned to the old woman and fat man before speaking to them, "Everyone, why don't we step outside for a second? Karu you stay here and watch them to ensure they don't try anything." Geto said with a fake smile plastered on her face as I stood still before I heard the fat man and old lady screaming for a moment before they couldn't scream anymore.

"What was that?" The blonde-haired girl asked as I assessed her injuries before I responded, "It's simply what he needs to do." I said as I heard more screams Geto was going around this town rampaging and killing each and every non-sorcerer as I silently stood still my ears trying to kill off the sound of screams as I walked over to the padlock my arm changing and reforming itself into a key that quickly unlocked the door as I open the cage for the two as they looked at me afraid. "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you just wanna help," I said nervously, as they were still afraid of me I could see why after all I'm just a random guy who just showed up. As I walked away from the door to the cage and sat near the entrance to the room, the screams and cries were loud and ear-piercing as I sat silently the two girls staring at me as I curled up into a ball.

"Are you and her here to save us?" The blonde asked as the brown-haired girl sat still afraid and quiet shivering in pain and agony as I looked at them and spoke, "I don't know." I said afraid for both them and myself I didn't know if Geto was planning on hurting us or was just planning on attacking the villagers. I silently sat still as the two looked at me before I stood up and started walking towards the two girls as I looking at them quietly. "But I wanna try and help," I said as I walked closer to them the two seemed scared as I looked at them, Geto suddenly returned to the room her body covered in blood stains as she walked up to us before suddenly a cursed spirit appeared from next to her I panicked as my arms turned into blades on reflex. Suddenly the spirit created an orb around me and the two girls as their wounds started to heal I took a few deep breaths in a panic for a moment as my arms slowly returned to their regular form as geto smiled and spoke. "Come along now you 3 we shall go and form a paradise for jujutsu sorcerers." As Geto said this I stood up the other 2 following behind nervously as we walked into the nearby woods for the first time today Geto seemed happy.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I am really itching to rewrite some of the first few chapters so I just wanna get my plans for season 1 complete so I can get the rewrite done. Either way thank you for reading this far if you are it means a lot to me.


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