Sitting in a casino

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I followed Toji towards a small nearby building. I remember this building as I looked at it before sighing. The cursed energy amount had increased once more as I looked at the cursed energy in my body. As I think to myself if there is a way to number cursed energy if there is a way it would most likely be similar to milliliters. Well either way I don't know cause currently it's just a work in theory yet with this theory I think I could make it work no I definitely could make it work all I need is a milliliter cup.

Toji entered the stadium once more as he sat down. I sat down next to him as I looked around all over the stadium. There was a large amount of cursed energy. Possibly I could meet that space creature once more. What even is that thing it claims to be my brother but there are a few problems with that. The first problem is that it's not a human at all and secondly, that creature has no features that look even close to me. Well not like it matters, the thing is I just wanted to kill time as Toji was waving a piece of paper. He was about to start gambling again yet even worse he wouldn't win a single time. I know that he did this yesterday and didn't win once. As I just sat still looking around at all of the nearby cursed energy I didn't understand how this much-cursed energy had reappeared once more at this point the amount of cursed energy in this building should create one powerful cursed spirit now I have two choices first I can absorb all this cursed energy or I can leave it to fester and create one hell of a spirit. At my current level of strength, it would be much better if I just absorbed all of the cursed energy around here I stayed seated next to Toji as I thought to myself.

"So what's the job you have Mr. Toji?" Toji turned to me for a moment before turning back to his gamble. It's clear he's probably not gonna tell me. "We're just gonna wait here. I'll tell you about the job in 2 days." He said as I looked at Toji a bit peeved, "But didn't you say in 2 days I need to beat a grade 1 cursed spirit?" I asked Toji's eyes widened as he realized that I was correct, "Well you're probably gonna fight a grade 2 sorcerer and a grade 2 sorcerer can fight the average grade 1 cursed." I looked at him deadpan so he was just talking out of his ass there's no shot of me fighting the spirit or the sorcerer he just wanted to say shit. I sigh as I curl up in a ball in my seat as cursed energy is slowly brought into my body from my surroundings. My body flaring cursed energy. The problem with that is it's like I'm constantly emitting a warning sign to any sorcerer who I might fight, so I gotta get that under control.

I sat there and watched as Toji was focused but then I heard a familiar voice. It was the voice of Shiu Kong, the guy from the job request earlier as he spoke. "I was wondering where you went off to and besides that why are you here with a kid?" Toji sighed before quickly responding, "I'm making money." Within an instant both I and Kong responded at the same time, "But I've never seen you win before." Kong sighed as I just grabbed my book on cursed energy. I opened it ready to read up on cursed energy control. I wanted to get better at it anyway. Suddenly Kong spoke once more, "What's going on with work?" Toji responded in a sarcastic yet rather annoyed tone, "Man! You're treating me like a jobless bum." Kong smirked as he sat down 1 chair away from me I turned to look at Kong as he spoke, "Well, you are jobless." My mind quickly decided to speak once more even though I probably shouldn't have, "And you are a bum." I said with the innocent tone of a child as I stood still looking up at Toji as Toji playfully smacked the back of my head even if it was playful it still hurt like a bitch because a smack from a heavenly restriction user is still stupidly strong.

"As a Mediator, I have to give the client a progress report," Kong said in a rather professional tone as I was rubbing back my head it hurt a bitch as I rubbed my head Toji responded to Kong once more this time in a rather elated tone as his boat was winning. "We're talking about the Gojo Family's boy here. Can't just nonchalantly walk in." He said as I tilted my head as I remembered a line from the cursed technique section of the book it mentioned something about 'Limitless', a technique of the Gojo's. I didn't read it but with how they're talking about the Gojo's it must be important. But quickly Toji spoke once more, "I'm gonna use those idiots to wear him down a bit." So from what I can formulate Gojo is stopping Toji from reaching the target so he placed a bounty on her head that would cause idiots to rush at Gojo wearing him down so Toji can rush in and kill the target and Gojo at the same time. As I sat there silently thinking to myself about this plan in all honesty this plan sounded really smart.

Jujutsu Kaisen: A Tale of Cursed FleshWhere stories live. Discover now