In the heart of the forest

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Fallen Angel's Woods, California

October 6th | 7:30 PM

Rachel's POV:

"No, no, no fuck!" I shouted as my flashlight stopped working. *Just like in a classic horror movie.* I thought. From the pocket of my hoodie I pulled out my phone. 'No signal' was the only thing written on the screen when I tried to enter Google maps. "Great" I sigh.

For the first time in my life I got completly lost. I still had a paper map with me, but when I tried to use it, I felt like I'm going around in circles and nothing makes sense. The sun was already setting. The sky from multi colored, now slowly turned dark, revealing a beautiful galaxy of stars and almost full moon.

I sat on a rock and tried to pull myself toghether. I opened my backpack and ran my hand through my messy blonde hair in frustration when I saw that I was running out of food. I took a sip of sparkling water, zipped and deftly slung the backpack over my shoulder.

I know some of you might think I was dumb, but I decided to at least try to find exit from this shitty forest instead of sitting and doing nothing. I got up and chose to follow the path that seemed to be the safest one. I lit my way with the flashlight on my phone since the one I had died.

My hands were shaking and my heartbeat got faster every time I heard some cracking of the brunches or owl hooting. The trees created scary shadows and their brunches were schratching me as if they were hands trying to catch me and make me stay there forever. "Fallen Angel's Woods, huh... maybe this place isn't called that for nothing. Satan is propably laughing at me right now, watching me wondering around here like a lost puppy." I whispered to myself.

When I was a kid I had an obssetion with horrors, true crime and urban legends. I've watched a lot of thrillers about people who got lost and then some sick shit happened to them. I've never dreamed of being main character in that kinda stuff tho. I don't think there's single person on earth that would like to expierience something like this.

I walked maybe over a mile and looked at my phone to check the time. It was 9:06 pm. *Okay... just survive the night.* It was the only thought running through my head. I did a few more steps and I was paralyzed by the echo of wolves howling from the depths of the forest. Even when it got completly quiet it was still ringing in my ears and it made my whole body shiver.

In that moment I reliesed that I'm gonna die in the middle of nowhere, killed by my own stupidity and my dumb idea of going hiking in this area alone.

Suddenly from afar I noticed a bright spot. Very quietly I walked closer and the thing I saw now took a certain shape. When I passed few coniferous trees, clearing away the branches, I was sure that in front of me was a sparkling bonfire. Next to it on the log of wood sat a person. It was still too far away to see anything else.

For a moment relief flooded my mind, but then I reliesed that the person sitting there might be some creep that will hurt me or even kill me. *Fuck it... If I don't try soon I'll die of starvation or be torn apart by wild animals* I thought.

Despite many doubts and intrusive thoughts I took the risk and started walking in the direction of the campfire. With each step, my legs gave out more and more and my heart was pounding like crazy.

I slithered my shaky hand into the pocket of my cargo pants to find my pocket knife, I pulled it out just in case of what's gonna happen.

"H-hello?!" I shouted with shaky voice, stuttering a bit. The person lifted their head, but they had black hood on so I still really couldn't see their face. Now I was standing only 20 feets from the stranger.

"I-I got lost and... I n-need help" It took me a while to get every word out of my mouth. I leaned against the nearest wood and sat down pulling knees to my chest.

The stranger didn't say anything, just stood up and slowly walked towards me. I was basically prepared for the worst. Due to all this stress and fear, I didn't notice when tears welled up my eyes and I couldn't catch my breath. My hands shook so hard that I droped my pocket knife. Either way, I was to exosted to fight if I had to, so the blade was pretty much useless.

They kneeled in front of me and slowly removed their hood. "Breathe darling, I know it's scary out there, but your safe now." The most angelic I've ever heard, female, voice said, slightly above a whisper.

Still havily breathing I lifted my head a little bit. A single tear was running down my cheek and driped down on my dirty hoodie...

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